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Season 1.2 coin rankings

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–15 của 15

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# 11



2 năm trước

I won't race.. We need to continue working on our project with Lembas. The insiders know what I'm talking about.. I didn't think Hummm was creepy, honestly. As planned, the pose should be confident and serious, show power, I originally conceived Hummm in a business suit, but this would break the atmosphere of the game, I decided to do it as a minimalist poster only with an AD theme. But it's good that everyone sees their own meaning in the picture :D The scout pose was incredibly difficult, even though I use the reference. I'm glad that this art made you happy Soda :D for me it was the main goal! Hehehe The work took only one day, for my pace of drawing it is very fast. I have been drawing a picture for AD with interruptions for two weeks and I am dissatisfied with the result. I tried to convey the style of the game as close as possible, I hope it came out, I'm glad that people like this work, for an artist it's a success if people remember the work. Creativity should evoke an emotional response :D This work, or rather something similar, I dreamed of on the night of June 1st, this race is so inspiring. How did we live before without it? For me and Lembas, you are like gods, because it is unrealistically cool to gain more than half a million in a month. If someone does not agree that you are the gods of grinding, then perhaps many will agree that you have become a legend! Fatih+, your new house looks amazing! The text turned out really epic.. Thank you Fatih for your attention!

# 12



2 năm trước

@JeremyDarkling: Great drawing and coloring! I love the moody lighting, shading and details while keeping it super mysterious with the anonymous faces. I really like it! You also did a perfect job converting SodaMeow's scout and Hummm's fighter colors into this new design. In "real-life" Hummm exclusively uses the sorceress though :D Also, good call on @fatih+'s new house: it's pretty. Tall too :P

# 13



2 năm trước

oh what a silly mistake :D sorry, Hummm! We first met in person when you were playing a fighter, and for some reason I still have such associations. I admit, I should have prepared more carefully. Thank you, Firfly, I'm glad you liked the work. You are the creator of this incredible game and you have given me a lot of creative inspiration

# 14



2 năm trước

Aha! Seem;s my wording is taking out of context here, just to clarify - I meant the sketch of the guy is a bit creepy(not actually meaning Hummm - no hurt feelings I hope):D And it goes well with the style you are going with! Its super cool! BTW, I play in cartoon 2D, which I find so charming, perhaps this explains the difference of perceptions when viewing the characters being so real in your sketch. Good luck on your project! Stay motivated and strong, rooting for ya!:D

# 15



2 năm trước

it's all good... no offense taken (from anyone) I suspect you met (GM) Hummm. I play all alts (ie not on main computer) on Fighter, for the hit points, but definitely 100% Sorc if I'm playing for real. 2D hand painted, 3rd person far FTW

Bưu kiện 11–15 của 15

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