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Add ingame quest points

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2 năm trước

I was trying to do today's quest, but since I can't play very regularly, I always loose track of how many quest points I have. I think it would be great to have the quest points in game next to the coins, or even add the quest shop as a second tab to the ingame shop too.

# 2



2 năm trước

everything you need is right here on this website (changes/mods to the website are 1000x easier than in-game changes) ... just saying

# 3



2 năm trước

I know, I don't expect a change that soon, I'm just leaving the idea. It's a bit unconfortable to exit the game to login in the website just to check how many quests I have, it breaks the flow of the game.

# 4



2 năm trước

I agree, uncomfortable, at first. I didn't know about many features of the site when I was new. But whoever searches always finds, as a result, they noticed a button on the site that they had not noticed before. If it was all in the game, no one would visit the site, and in this case they would not find out about interesting lore, they would not be able to chat on the forum .. in my opinion, we just got used to how information is presented in other games , thrown at you, this game is special in every way, so I don't think it needs to be changed. If we are used to to some format does not mean that this one is incorrect and that it needs to be corrected. if you adjust the game to the standards of other online games, it can lose its individuality

# 5



2 năm trước

Firefly has done the hard work of preventing AD from taking up a lot of device memory to make the game as accessible as possible for everyone. therefore, there is a site with a large amount of information, and the game itself really takes up very little space.

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