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(GM) Roster 2022Q2

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–6 của 6





2 năm trước

Heads-up everyone! I've just rotated out @obi- and @Ruan4K as our long-time (GM)s and rotated in @Angelio and @fatih+. Combined with @Hummm and @SodaMeow we remain at four active (GM)s, for varying values of 'active'. Thanks so very much to obi- and Ruan4K for GM'ing in the early days of Angeldust all the way through where we're at today. I'm sure a ton of players remember your names and the help, tips, advice and coins you've given them over the years. You're both shining beacons in the Angeldust player community. With this rotation I decided to leave the old (GM) friend requests with the old accounts, so that Angelio and fatih+ can start building up a network of their own. If you—as a new player—feel you can still use GM assistance, please befriend any of the accounts listed in the (GM) section here:

# 2



2 năm trước

On a (GM)-related side note: over the years I've received quite a few player requests on how to become a (GM). I'm afraid there is no process for this, I just pick and choose whoever catches my eye at random times. So it helps to be visible, on the livestream, and to radiate positive energy. Other than that it's just hoping for the best! Which also leads me to a funny anecdote of how two long-time players of the game sorta wished to become a (GM) but never asked me. Once I knew of their wish, I could totally picture them being great (GM)s and made work of getting them in the position. It's all coincidental.

# 3



2 năm trước

Gratz @Angelio & @fatih+

# 4



2 năm trước

Gratz Falif+ and Angelio!

# 5


GM Angelio

2 năm trước

Thanks !

# 6


(GM) fatih+

2 năm trước

Thanks guys I hope I can share memes and helping you :D

Bưu kiện 1–6 của 6