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Let’s hunt together – impromptu!

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 38

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# 11



2 năm trước

That looks like a great hunt! Thanks so much for organizing the event SodaMeow; I'm sure those new players will greatly enjoy their hard-earned cash. Somehow I forgot to join the event, I was working on stuff and was probably too concentrated on my task at hand :D

# 12



2 năm trước

Soda, thank you for arranging takin fun trips to high levels, it was fun and epic, Lembas and I liked the moment with three red hydras the most :D

# 13


(GM) SodaMeow

2 năm trước

Now that is what I call impromptu! Returning next day to continue until Hydra was found! We did it and thanks for the backup @JeremyDarkling @ Lembas & @ Kanmaike Friend chat really is amazing for these types of emergencies! Hydra, Hydra & Hydra! Firefly - Thank you! your live stream battles are just as fun!:D MEOW!~

# 14


(GM) SodaMeow

1 năm trước

Whoa! Inspired from the last live stream #405 am gonna do another group hunt this week! This hunt will be looking for the big bosses (I know where they NOT for the timid (it might be none stop battle). Anyone needing MORE shiny coins - more than welcome to join the party, meet new players and explore higher level biomes! SAVE THE DATE! Wednesday,09 November @ 14:00 (GMT) From Live stream #405 - epic must be repeated! See you there if you dare! (Warning: No pet snacks & don't become monster's snack!)lol. ~meow =^.^=

# 15



1 năm trước

That's a super cool initiative SodaMeow! :D May everyone be rewarded with an epic hunt and lots of gold (depending on whether Loki can make it). There will be stories to tell for many years to come! Unfortunately I won't be able to attend—I'll be shopping for a glass display case for my Angeldust props. Hope to show it off on stream this weekend.

# 16


(GM) SodaMeow

1 năm trước

Yoo! It is a bit short notice but am gonna be there rain or shine!:D Happy shopping Firefly!~meow~

# 17



1 năm trước

Thanks SodaMeow :D Good luck to all hunters—may the legendary creature RNG be forever in your favor! Also, furniture shopping is very much like hunting. You explore until you find something you like and then you either smash it to pieces and run away, or you pay the price. Hmm. Maybe furniture shopping isn't very much like hunting or my day is about to get very interesting.

# 18



1 năm trước

Any war stories? :D I'm back home and got what I was looking for. Some assembly required, but I'll get on that tomorrow.

# 19


(GM) SodaMeow

1 năm trước

It was a none-stop battle Firefly! So many creatures and soooo much coins! Thanks to all the players who joined, it made the hunt so spectacular and fun! Pretty sorry you missed it @loki....coins everywhere...hehe! Hope the shopping trip was just as epic @Firefly...esp' if you are smashing things as you now you are home to glue the stuff back together.....? lol.. Can't wait to see. Imagine a wireless photon mimic glass display in your house....a real one. Super cool!:D

# 20



1 năm trước

Nice, good to hear the hunt went well! My shopping was epic and I've assembled the thing. Tomorrow I'll add the Angeldust doodads so I can show them off on Saturday :D

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 38

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