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Season 1.3 coin rankings

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–7 của 7





2 năm trước

This is the officially recorded first page—top 18—of Angeldust Season 3 (2022-06) coin rankings: 1. Lembas — 361,213 2. JeremyDarkling — 207,396 3. rainyti — 206,459 4. Skyrim_falmer — 176,487 5. Deadlands — 169,617 6. Thomas2819isback — 165,705 7. eggy0lk — 164,907 8. болотный житель — 163,621 9. Andreigaming — 160,964 10. niorissa — 158,255 11. SodaMeow — 135,717 12. Fel1x — 135,582 13. Vr_X — 134,814 14. Rogi41K — 134,119 15. Жопа бобрика — 130,980 16. nn_127502 — 129,607 17. Hummm — 126,407 18. tomat2010 — 117,343 Over 4,500 participants played in this season that felt somewhat like an early summer siesta. @Lembas took an early lead and ended firmly in first place. @JeremyDarkling and @rainty were in close competition for the 2nd and 3rd spot, both well deserved medalists. My expert take is that @Hummm took a break from grinding, but still wanted to be included in the rankings for this month, with success! Congratulations to @Lembas for their second first place, and congratulations to all top players of this season for grinding out more than 4,000 coins per day on average. Also a word of welcome to @Thomas2819isback who, well, is (or was) back. Hope you enjoy your return to Angeldust. Today Season 4 started, already seeing new accounts taking top spots left and right. But remember: this is a marathon, not a sprint! :D

# 2



2 năm trước

This is great!! :)

# 3



2 năm trước

Congratulations @Lembas taking the first place again!:D Seems this might be a trend!

# 4



2 năm trước

Thank you @SodaMeow! I hope your victories someday become a trend too ;) My congratulations to everyone! Good luck in the new season 💪🏻

# 5



2 năm trước

My congratulations for Lembas. I'm so proud for you. well done everyone who joined this month!! Firfly, you have been considering adding a «Coin Leader of the Month» badge on the site for Hummm, Lembas and new future winners? (Is there a way to reward this?) This badge would be kind of rare, like the «Pioneer», and new players would be wondering how to get this badge? Because of grind more diligently, will discover more rare creatures and will more interested in the game. Also grinding can be boring alone, they could invite friends and grind together.. sorry if something is wrong, it's up to you to decide what to implement or not to implement, you are the creator, I thought the idea might be interesting

# 6



2 năm trước

good luck to everyone in the new marathon, I think that Lembas needs to take a break a bit, busy with the project instead of grinding 😉

# 7



2 năm trước

Congratulations top players! 😊👏 *Claps*

Bưu kiện 1–7 của 7