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Angeldust Live! #389

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–14 của 14

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# 11



2 năm trước

I want to let u my resentments towards some players who have judged my character.first of all i am not a bad person ..i am simple ctizen who lived in the philipines..and did not go to collge i dont know how to oparate a computer.i am not shupe or not like u the one who should stay awayfrom ur rudes players i have experienced what can be called sexual harassment of your others player they say its. Sex nior! Sex nior!.and it wont be the only one to explain who u r and ur characters name,And I didn't tell you anything except thomas. And you know that soda. I cried that day. I wonder even new players they say that I am a witch or shupe.and you are afraid that I will approach you firefly.what. Do you think I will do to I am here in the philippines.judging most of you soda. I consider you a real friend not only in the game, but also in reality, That's why I'll tell you about my life. You know, I'm even proud of you because you and thomas have been true to me.that. i thougthu r my friend would defend me.the truth was wrong.u were laughing at my back wd others players .it was .i became a fool and believe that what u showed me was real and true.thats why u ddnt make me look like a fool.its like made me you and others players look like a are so. Creul to judge me😥😭

# 12



2 năm trước

I confess, I didn't understand much. I could not pass by because this is a very sincere confession. and my words are unlikely to help you .. but I hope it helps.. I think that Soda is a wonderful person (the most perfect person I have met in this game, apart from one other player.) I am grateful that we got to know her in this game, I have wanted to retire so many times, but I would not want to break my promise. Especially with Soda it's fun and cozy here .. Niorissa, you don't have to please everyone, that doesn't happen. I really hope that other players will stop mocking you and you can take them not seriously. But it seems to me that you are slandering Soda in vain, in any case, she is a very good person who has helped you a lot. Provided support when many did not. Perhaps you misunderstood something. I do not believe that Soda could taunt someone in the eyes or behind their backs! She tries very hard to make this game more comfortable for all newcomers and is friendly, maybe even towards those who, personally, I would not be so friendly. If you have problems with someone, why not solve them in private messages?

# 13



2 năm trước

@Niorissa, I am terribly upset about your remarks, and posting personal information or details is never a good idea. All info you shared has been kept confidential. No one has been laughing at you, I like to make that clear. I said to you before, mute or un-friend players and report them.

# 14



2 năm trước

@niorissa: I appreciate you taking the time to share your frustrations. You come across as being distraught by in-game interactions. It might be wise to talk about this with family or relatives in real-life and try to put things into perspective. I'm sure none of the players you interacted with wish bad things for you. These in-game situations are most likely a case of immature kids trying to be edgy with you around. As @SodaMeow suggested you can use the in-game mute button to ignore anyone spouting nonsense at you. And on the website you can remove any dubious friends that you no longer wish to interact with. Maybe this is the first time you're dealing with random in-game interactions… my best advice is to just ignore everything and everyone except for a few players you trust. In effect, you'd grow a thicker skin so you're not bothered as easily. This might take some time, but you can start training this today! I can't really comment on the specific relationships you've grown with other players. Because you're operating in a virtual world here, things are slightly more abstract than in real-life, but I personally try my best to see all interactions in the best light possible. If you doubt someone's intentions or behavior, you can just ask them. In my experience that solves about 99% of all issues with communication and expectations rather quickly. There are a few phrases and words where I can offer some limited advice. Being called a 'witch' most likely originates from you playing the sorceress hero. In some languages the name for that hero translates to 'witch'. So I think people are not personally calling you a real witch, just that to them you are a 'witch' in the game. It's sort of an honorary title! If you feel you've been sexually harassed in the game, please seek professional help for this. I, nor any others here, are trained therapists. I will not downplay the psychological effects of such an experience and it might be best to find someone you can talk to about this in the real world. Ask your doctor or someone you trust in real life for help with this. They can also offer help, tips or guidance on how to deal with similar situations in the future. I'm sorry you went through this and I hope you're able to get the assistance you need. I personally believe we have a healthy community with people from all walks of life and from all over the world, but I can not guarantee perfect interactions at all times. Anyone is free to report misbehavior from players and I'll investigate and take appropriate action. Feel free to report players to me in a private message. I'll treat all information as confidential. With all the above I hope you're able to work through some of the issues you're dealing with. For interpersonal relationships it's often easier to 'work' on yourself than expecting the rest of the world to change. All progress you make in dealing with tough situations will benefit you in your entire future. I do hope you enjoyed your time here, and I also hope you'll be able to enjoy Angeldust, or any other community, in the future.

Bưu kiện 11–14 của 14

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