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RFC: Photon, mimic interaction

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2 năm trước

During my most recent livestream* I toyed with the bear and horse icon block textures. This lead to the idea of animating block contents somehow, so we'd essentially have dynamic blocks. The easiest setup I see is that any photon (star or diamond) would simply flip the height of adjacent mimics. So a thin mimic would become a full mimic and vice versa. This way a mimic could switch visually between a block below it and a block above it. That's about the simplest design I can come up with. There are some problems with it: 1.) existing builds with photon conduits next to mimics are affected 2.) the design possibilities are limited by the way mimics currently work 3.) the design possibilities are limited by needing to have a photon conduit or injector/remover being next to a mimic 4.) the game wouldn't really know what's happening currently, so block changes might lag visually The major upside is that system would be trivial to implement, which has historically been a huge driver for actually rolling something out. Questions to you all of you: would the mimic-state-switching as described above add value to Angeldust? What things are you then able to build that are currently impossible? Realistically, is there a better way of implementing this? An additional nicety is that the physical height and the 'climbable state' of mimics would become dynamic too. Is there any upside to this for builds? *) The 'Dev #7' livestream is still processing on YouTube—it'll be up as soon as its done.

# 2



2 năm trước

I really need to chew on this for a while before I decide weather the advantages outweigh the downsides enough for me to give it the thumbs up or not. Like, I have no idea how many blocks, (if any) in my wonders and other builds would be effected.

# 3



2 năm trước

Seems like a cool idea, very non intrusive as well, I don't think a lot of builds will be affected. Add it, can't hurt to have an extra, cool feature to use. Only question I have, after unloading the claims (going away for 5 min) do the mimics switch back to their original orientation? And will saving their orientation work the same way photon blocks do, or does only matter which orientation you place down? I probably asked this in a confusing way, but I think it's the most important thing to figure out before adding.

# 4



2 năm trước

@obi-: it'd probably be identical to the behavior of photon blocks.

# 5


The Wicked Dust

2 năm trước

Hmm... It wouldn't seem fair if it affects already existing builds. I've seen some progress done with people's builds in the past using these blocks. It's possible your idea could give these blocks a new function all together

# 6



2 năm trước

I'm still assessing my builds to see if (any) blocks will be effected by the change, it might take me another day or 2, but I may only have 1 or 2 very minor changes to make if (any). There are plenty of positives with making the change to the photon system and the mimic blocks though. Some of the things I can see built with this system are: New types of games, new types of (secret) doors, ladders that change functions, working traffic lights and animated billboards.

# 7



2 năm trước

@The Wicked Dust ... "fair" seems to be a pretty high expectation for a server you don't pay for, just saying. That being said, IMHO, FF should (perhaps postponing the feature) implement it in a less "current world" impacting way.

# 8



2 năm trước

Firefly, I would be happy to give you, my opinion on this. BUT I don't understand what facial expressions are and what they mean.. I'm limited in my knowledge of terms in the technical side of AD, I just hope that my theater with NPCs will not be affected by changes.. :(

# 9



2 năm trước

I love the idea of ​​moving blocks (animation?) to make things move, like the flickering fire in a campfire. I wanted to suggest the same, but first I needed to make a demonstrative animation.. let me know if I understood something wrong. Every time the photon business comes up, my interpreter goes crazy and I don't understand anything.

# 10



2 năm trước

I have another question FF. Will a Mimic block be effected if it is next to a photon block and the photon block has either diamonds or stars going through it or does it only work for photon conduit?

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