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RFC: Lottery improvements

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–6 của 6





2 năm trước

Over the past weeks I'm leaning towards the idea that the 'pet snack' lottery is a bit too involved for most players. It's difficult enough to play exactly during my livestream, and then you have to listen for the code, go to the website, sign in and enter the code. For English speakers it's a bit easier, but foreign people are probably totally lost. I have been thinking about how to improve the experience, but haven't arrived at a definite solution yet. I do want to keep the 'togetherness' of the livestream and the lottery being a shared event, but I'd like to toss out the hassle of entering codes and the like. Is the solution to just automatically put a lottery ticket in the box for each player that is online during my livestream? With an in-game notification: 'You are participating in today's lottery'. We can then still keep the shared drawing event, and players who play during more livestreams will have more tickets. (For now this doesn't matter too much.) Then two more things I consider doing: 1.) when a winner is drawn, globally announce the result in-game: 'Lottery winner: PlayerName'. 2.) globally announce the livestream while live: 'Firefly is live! Check or' Does this all sound reasonable? Pros? Cons? At what interval would announcing the livestream be good? 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes?

# 2



2 năm trước

this: > Is the solution to just automatically put a lottery ticket in the box for each player that is online during my livestream? doesn't address this: > It's difficult enough to play exactly during my livestream, ... sure there are a few simple steps that must be followed precisely to enter the lotto, but it's a great incentive for people to interact with the AD web site which is an important task to learn, as there are several aspects to the in-game experience that are only available via the website. I think you should keep the system as is the global announcements of Live stream active and lotto winner(s) seem independent and a nice way to get the word out. perhaps it should start 30 minutes before you start streaming. every 5 min before and every 10 minutes while live doesn't seem problematic AS LONG AS IT ISN'T A MODAL POPUP (like the noobie player tips, sure wish there was a disable modal tips deep in the options where noobies can't find it anyway)

# 3



2 năm trước

Maybe there's an in-between solution where I not only share the ticket submission code on the livestream, but there is also an in-game call to action like: Win a pet snack! Open now, sign in and enter code: 55555. That's basically my default script anyway. This message can be localized based on the player's in-game language.

# 4



2 năm trước

I may be going off topic a bit, but can I add for the announcement - maybe include a note to highlight that players can just find the website on the log-in screen of the game. So it takes them directly to the website to enter their account and code. In addition to I just think most new players don't notice the website icon in the log in screen initially. and this is quite an easy way to direct them to the website. Just my 2 cents on this topic.

# 5



2 năm trước

I have a LB tab open 24/7 that I refresh for ALL the news that's fit to read... but if I ever need to open a new window, it's: 5 letters and a return.

# 6


GM Angelio

2 năm trước

I have a great idea ! How about we make only one player winning the lottery every live stream? :-) (Just joking) I like the idea of sending a message about the lottery ingame ! I support this idea

Bưu kiện 1–6 của 6