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A Light Switch and Conduits

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 11

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Kamikaze Justice

2 năm trước

It'd be nice to buy a light switch, and conduits, at The Shop, so we can turn on, and off, the light blocks, and do it from a distance. So, sometimes, we can have a hallway, or room, lit up, or have the hallway gloomy dark for when we want a troll, etc., to show up as a big surprise.

# 2



2 năm trước

Go buy the photon block, photon conduit block and the photon injector and you can have this today!

# 3


Kamikaze Justice

2 năm trước

I know what you're talking about. That would look more cumbersome, and the lights that were already in the game look much better, imo.

# 4



2 năm trước

Well, then just place down some lamps super deep down, mimic them all the way up so they don't emit light, and connect a hidden photon block with wiring if you really need to use old lamps

# 5


Kamikaze Justice

2 năm trước

I have lamps in a specific place, and I don't want to move them "super deep down", and then move, and delete hundreds of existing blocks so I can use inferior looking photon blocks, and pretend it looks good. Photon blocks have their place, but this isn't it. It's best just to say,"What you want isn't gonna happen", and let it go at that.

# 6



2 năm trước

After I replied that I think this is in the game already, I don't know what you really want. What is a 'light switch'? What is a 'conduit'? What is 'a distance'? What is a 'light block'? I see this in Angeldust terms: – a 'switch' is a photon injector or remover – a 'conduit' is a photon conduit – a 'distance' is up to two land claims – a 'light block' is the photon block There's not going to be another 'switch', there's not going to be another 'conduit', there's not going to be another 'distance', there's not going to be another 'light block'. Does that mean 'it's not going to happen' when it's already in the game except for the aesthetics of the 'light block'? I don't know! You sound disappointed or negative about it while I think it's great we already have these features in the game currently. If you provide more detail on what you want exactly and to what extent Angeldust already provides what you want, we can talk about the missing pieces. I do have an idea that might be of use…

# 7


Kamikaze Justice

2 năm trước

Am I able to use the Photon Injector/Remover, and Photon Conduit with the existing Lantern Blocks, that are more desirable than Photon Blocks for lighting? If not, then it's not in the game.

# 8


Kamikaze Justice

2 năm trước

I watched your demo about the Photon Mimic. Very nice idea. On some builds, it might be tough to hide a ton of cumbersome conduit blocks for a hundred separate lights that are given the same light switch, but I might still try it. Extra work for me, since I'll need to change out the 100s of existing lantern lights to Photon Mimic blocks. The Photon Mimic blocks might have limits that won't work with a huge area, and having only one on/off switch for that area. It's still cool, though. The wireless (or bluetooth?) would be great to get rid of the cumbersome conduits on some builds, and if you want to turn a hundred lights on/off at the same time. Perhaps, wireless can only be used with one Photon Mimic block. I understand, the wireless might not make it to the game, but the Photon Mimic is still one of those game changers, like riding a dragon. Nice job, FF!

# 9



2 năm trước


# 10



2 năm trước

as I suggested over here and further explained in a follow-up #32 ... it would be way better if a single injector could activate multiple photon mimics. As I understand it, you need an injector for each mimic. messy.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 11

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