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Season 1.6 coin rankings

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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1 năm trước

This is the officially recorded first page—top 18—of Angeldust Season 6 (2022-09) coin rankings: 1. JeremyDarkling — 382,820 2. hades — 207,161 3. Hummm — 203,592 4. Temnay_AD — 200,241 5. LaikiaL — 180,031 6. sl_pro — 163,990 7. SodaMeow — 146,029 8. rusya blya — 140,269 9. sl111m — 134,149 10. Ashi — 129,964 11. Tiger Cghns — 128,294 12. BrokenStar — 123,725 13. BOSS_486 — 118,860 14. niorissa — 115,336 15. A_375 — 114,730 16. Makoto Hombre — 113,356 17. yb_carudexx — 110,415 18. Crunchiii — 103,033 With 3,800 players competing this season was more laid-back than the summer fever we just experienced. @JeremyDarkling took an early lead and never relinquished the top spot. @Temnay_AD was top-three for almost the entire season until both @Hummm and @hades overtook them. @hades managed to snag a few more coins in the end, getting to second place and winning their first medal! Congratulations on these impressive achievements :D (Fan service intermission: @Hummm is the first player to have a gold, silver and bronze medal.) Special shoutout to @Crunchiii ("CRUNCHIII") for actively participating on the livestreams and playing the game a lot, making it into the regular top-eighteen of the season. Your accomplishment has been duly noted. Also, a warm welcome to some names we haven't seen before like @LaikiaL, @sl_pro and @Makoto Hombre! Fancy yourself one of them shiny medals? You're in luck! A brand new season has just started and you've got plenty of days ahead to grind coins wherever you can find them. Ask @Hummm for tips if you require any. Have fun! :D

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