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2 năm trước
go to my world save, and go wild building there theres no rules so if your building get grief its is the way its is, pm me if your dint get the perms. also only my claim land is the ooga booga land part, any claims after that are disqualified.. Go wild with it
2 năm trước
Let's see if this catches on! It might take a bit more promotion than a random forum post, but at least the concept is now available to try. In the future (still on my list) I want to provide a more seamless experience for an open portion of the game world. Until then I hope everyone enjoys 'ooga booga land' :D
1 năm trước
This sounds like fun Fatih!:D The rule is there is no rule, so that's the rule, which means this is the rule. Cool project!
1 năm trước
Tanks SodaMeow you got the right ideas of the rules :D!.. yes @Schnider, the world of fatih+ is the world with no rules
1 năm trước
9/10. My entrance to my funny TF2 red (Sus) team base was covered in dirt. :(
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