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Season 1.9 coin rankings

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–4 của 4





1 năm trước

This is the officially recorded first page—top 18—of Angeldust Season 9 (2022-12) coin rankings: 1. baymler — 534,717 2. Hummm — 470,648 3. MommyQueen — 347,839 4. SodaMeow — 229,028 5. syth — 203,312 6. Flappygg — 156,524 7. Melman — 135,477 8. Houtrou — 127,611 9. Houu — 122,402 10. elbarto45 — 118,629 11. angel_doni — 100,433 12. santiago23457 — 100,073 13. Arg10 — 98,014 14. ведьма — 97,685 15. mgulaev — 96,587 16. BASILISCO — 93,366 17. 1marina2 — 92,308 18. mossi03 — 88,315 Just: wow! This season saw very fierce competition all the way until the end. For weeks, six players duked it out for the top spots until slowly but surely only @Hummm and @baymler remained. Day by day these two players gained thousands of coins and traded places every few hours. The battle for first place was—quoting @SodaMeow—'nail-biting'. On the very last day of the season @baymler spent what looked like twelve consecutive hours grinding coins, making about 70,000 coins in total during that session. That is about as many coins as the 18th place player made in the entire month. @Hummm reluctantly had to give up the chase after @baymler's impressive sprint to the finish. So we have @baymler in first place, @Hummm very deservingly coming in second and newcomer @MommyQueen placing third. Congratulations on this absolutely amazing season, I've added your medals to your accounts. Show them off with pride! Also thanks to all of the over 2,600 players who participated in this crazy season. You've made the competition, you've made the festive season, you've made the difference! With season 9 concluding we enter the second calendar year of Angeldust having seasons. How do we approach this? Will January of 2023 be year 2, season 1 or do we keep counting until we've had 12 seasons and then reset? Ideas are welcome! In the meantime, get your coin-grinding machines ready to rumble as we roll into a new season with crazy, new possibilities! Have fun!

# 2



1 năm trước

Congratulations @baymler, what a fantastic win! GG to everyone, totally gripping to the end! (I got bad nails to show for it lol).:D @Firefly starting each year as a new season seem like a good idea to me vs continuing until having 12 season. Just for easier counting for lazy cats like me. lol.

# 3



1 năm trước

Yeah.....i was a bit too sleepy. Still GG to @baymler! He did an impressive job! (Btw when i check AD no one is online).

# 4



1 năm trước

@ beamy_donut -You have to get lucky! Keep trying. I hunted with a group today just random.:D

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