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Save the Red Fists When Logging Out?

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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Kamikaze Justice

1 năm trước

FF, maybe I proposed this years ago... but I propose to allow our Red Fists, collected from the chests, to be saved from game to game, and to have a running total shown on our "hero". It's one of the reasons I hate logging out, because I know that I'll lose them. The Red Fists do represent precious time used in the game, and if they're thrown away, then it's time wasted. Thanks.

# 2



1 năm trước

I'll 2nd this request... it's the reason I stopped collecting them... also would be nice to only use on demand. (quite certain FF has shot-down both of these requests to me, but doesn't hurt to voice it publicly)

# 3


Kamikaze Justice

1 năm trước

Using them on demand is a good thing, too.

# 4



1 năm trước

I support both ideas

# 5



1 năm trước

If we're going there, how about red fists give you a speed boost when sprinting? totally not dungeon related, whaaaaaat

# 6



1 năm trước

My past and current stance: not gonna happen. Accumulating fists within a game session or between sessions is too powerful. Feel free to convince me otherwise, but I've basically balanced everything in the game around not being able to do critical hits at will.

# 7



1 năm trước

Balance is for the weak. We want Total Domination! :D

# 8


Kamikaze Justice

1 năm trước

As Obi said, using the Red Fists could be good for a speed boost, too. Heroes should be able to run fast for more than 8 consecutive seconds, right? Instead of being called "heroes", maybe we should be called,"weaklings". Me thinks, FF wants us Crimsonites to struggle through life ;)

# 9



1 năm trước

I think you all need a stopwatch.

# 10



1 năm trước

I don´t see how is it game breaking to keep a critical hit between sessions. It's not like you can use it against other players or oneshot mid/late game creatures for money with it.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 13

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