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Unplanned downtime

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–6 của 6





1 năm trước

Earlier today and about an hour ago the Angeldust website and game server were very slow or pretty much down entirely. This was caused by some unknown reason outside of my control. It looks like the datacenter host has been able to get things back up and running somewhat smoothly, but this did require me to restart the Angeldust game server a few minutes ago. I don't think we lost any progress; internally things kept running well enough I believe. Right now everything is running smoothly and I've asked the host for clarification on what happened. Again, it's entirely outside of my control and if this becomes a common occurrence I'll switch hosts faster than you can speedrun a dungeon. Let me know if you believe any of your progress of today has been lost and I'll do my best to investigate.

# 2



1 năm trước

I'm sorry that I created an extra topic, I wrote very slowly and did not see that this topic appeared, sorry again

# 3



1 năm trước

I spent the last two or three hours building a small house in Wonder. I build rarely when I have inspiration.. I completely finished the house before we turned off the light.. I waited an hour and went in to check on the build... All that's left of a few hours of work and a finished house is one wall. This is not the first time that progress in our wonder with Lembas has been lost. I saw that usually the site warns about restarting the server, but this time I did not see any warnings.. Tell me can I get my progress back?

# 4



1 năm trước

@JeremyDarkling: Can you send me the coordinates in a private message? My initial assumption is that it's all just gone :-( I do see some activity from around 90 minutes ago, but that was not your area. My working theory is that the datacenter host did a hard reset on their hypervisor, not giving my server the time to save and sync data. I'm truly sorry that this has now happened for a second time, even though I took additional precautions.

# 5



1 năm trước

I'm lucky, hehe.. You're right. Progress has partially rolled back .. Of course I can give the coordinates, but if it takes longer than I rebuild the house, then it's not worth it, I will restore the house next time I have enough free time. Maybe he'll get better.. Funny coincidence. Your servers are not stored in Odesa by any chance? Approximately at the same time that there was a reboot, an accident occurred on high-voltage lines, the whole city is now without electricity and water. Incredible coincidence and just a damn unlucky day.. Thanks for responding quickly..Maybe I'll do it again

# 6



1 năm trước

I've investigated and can confirm that the game server got terminated without any chance to save its data, so I'm pretty sure it's just gone. Again, I'm sorry. I will make things even more failure-proof as soon as possible.

Bưu kiện 1–6 của 6