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[CONCEPT] NPCs dialog wheel

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 27

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# 11



1 năm trước

Now comes my favorite part, sit and wait to see what happens

# 12



1 năm trước

I'm doing the same, Ruan!

# 13


Alexi M

1 năm trước -------------------- answering a question about editing this kind of system of dialogues I see it as the best solution - bring into game a visual editor of dialogue script this will allow you to work with the script to the smallest detail

# 14



1 năm trước

That's another cool concept video Alexi! Something that's not yet coming to Angeldust, but who knows what happens once we make $2.5B! I do offer something in return though, something I really love—it's 'Deus Ex: Sonic Augmentation', an indie tribute to the original Deus Ex soundtrack:

# 15



1 năm trước

I'm listening in to this, seeing if anything develops from it. I don't have anything much to add to it's development yet either, except that even 2 choices of dialog routes would be a useful addition. Firefly's idea of using a new type of hollo scroll to trigger the question, (choice mode), and having the the answer to the question rotate the NPC and start it walking sounds really good!

# 16


Alexi M

1 năm trước

dx ost just for background of video. it is not a part of concept

# 17


Alexi M

1 năm trước

@Firefly @Rob12 decide for yourself what will be better for the game and in what format it will be. this was my last concept work. I don't see the point in doing this anymore.

# 18


Loki The Witful

1 năm trước

It looks like a really cool concept Alexi. As well though this does seem like a lot of work to make it, let me see if I can get a concept video made.

# 19


Loki The Witful

1 năm trước

Here's a Small concept demo video I made based off some of the ideas posted here with some, tweaking by me.

# 20



1 năm trước

Thanks @Loki The Witful! That's another legendary video for this concept :D I think text integration with quick messages is a step too far currently (for me to implement). It would be a great feature to have (like Alexi's visual script editor), but to keep it as simple as possible I want to use the existing chat framework that is in place. Quick messages 1–4 (or however many) would still allow NPC dialog interaction in addition to typing a number in a chat message. The other novelty you show is instant feedback on choices. This is both a good idea as well as somewhat redundant I feel—you can always place a holo scroll right under the NPC path after it would rotate and start walking. Other problems are that it chews into your 250 character holo scroll budget and it further complicates the layout of the dialog script. My current 'best draft' for the entire feature is: 1.) place holo scroll with a specific format to signal dialog 2.) NPCs freeze when encountering a dialog 3.) a dialog scroll defines a single starting question/text 4.) a dialog scroll defines X dialog choices mapping a relative (FBLR) or absolute (NSEW) rotation to a description 5.) player sends quick message Y or a chat message with digit Y in the vicinity of NPC 6.) NPC interprets the response, rotates based on player's selection and starts walking That covers 'everything' I think. In the spirit of Angeldust you'd need to tie multiple things together to achieve more elaborate results (like 'instant' feedback), but this keeps the building blocks as simple as possible. We're partly a building game after all. Aside from not giving specifics to the implementation, does the above sound reasonable as an initial—and potentially final—implementation for this? I could apply more polish later on, but this would basically be scriptable 'NPC dialog interaction' in Angeldust.

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 27

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