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Season 2.7 coin rankings

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–3 của 3





1 năm trước

This is the officially recorded first page—top 18—of Angeldust Season 2.7 (2023-07) coin rankings: 1. Hummm — 266,035 2. x_CaTaLyZ3_(I) — 258,116 3. natansuprem2349 — 184,950 4. BloodyHashX — 184,287 5. PhoenixLight — 162,372 6. SodaMeow — 159,814 7. DemMikelm — 156,341 8. Joel Jordan — 124,462 9. AndreyDior — 109,774 10. AntoniIsaacXBR — 108,983 11. tién xiáô ly — 107,984 12. FireNTTMonster — 104,855 13. Draken_888 — 103,385 14. Its_Viky — 99,343 15. hades — 95,697 16. Sixdotss — 93,365 17. gogogi — 88,495 18. maroko — 82,597 It was close. Real close. @x_CaTaLyZ3_(I) decided to come back to the game this season in a big way and made @Hummm sweat a bit. But a little sweat doesn't stop @Hummm. Not even connection problems stop @Hummm. @Hummm just soldiers on and grabs gold during another season. @x_CaTaLyZ3_(I) gets a very well deserved second place, and @natansuprem2349 beat out old-but-new-timer @BloodyHashX by just a few hundred coins. Congratulations on the epic battle, I've added the medals to your accounts. Overall the season was very fun. The community really came together this month which was very noticeable on the livestream. A lot of memes, a lot of videos and even a great puzzle trail created by @fatih+. Let's carry that energy forward! In total we saw over 2,800 participants this season which is higher than my summer-time expectations. August will likely be a lot slower, making it an excellent time to try and shoot for the moon as the competition will be less fierce. For everyone going on vacation: have a good time! For everyone grinding Angeldust: have a good time! :D

# 2



1 năm trước

Wa , how , i don't think ....

# 3



1 năm trước

Fr congrats to hummm!

Bưu kiện 1–3 của 3