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My Angeldust Achievement In August

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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1 năm trước

So Happy i Can Participate And Interact With Friends In The Forum, And Contribute Some of My Ideas to Angeldust This Month... 1. My Biggest Achievement This Month Is "ANGELDUST TRAILER" One of the Biggest Projects I Have Made Since the Beginning of August and Successfully Completed at the End of August, And get appreciation from everyone. ✨✨ And I'm very happy to be able to make a big contribution in the form of a trailer for Angeldust, maybe not as much as people think but it's a lot for me, I hope to be able to make a project like this in the future... 🌟🌟 2. I Was Able To Participate And Get Top 5 In This Month's Coin Season, I Can't Expect To Get To Top 5 At first I was just plain grinding and I accidentally saw myself in the top 20s and that got me pumped to get at least the top 15 for the month, Shoutout to @SodaMeow for helping my grinding and encouraging me 🔥🔥 So I keep grinding very diligently because the remaining time for the season reset for August is around 3/4 and finally after hard grinding I Can Reach the Top 5 Right on the Day the Season Restarts 🤌🤌 3. Get an Unexpected PB (Personal Best) For Dungeons, One of the achievements that I think I didn't expect to get was being in 16th place in the Speedrun section for Dungeons with a record time of around (2 minutes 4 seconds) I believe, Why did I say I didn't think so?? Because I Never Aim To Get PB And Get 16th Position For Dungeon Speedrun 🏛️🏛️ Unlike Coin Season, where I was aiming to get at least the top 15 and it turned out I could do more than that, as for the PB Dungeon, I didn't expect to be able to get a 16th position 🗽🗽 4. I think for the fourth, it's an achievement to be able to diligently send memes every week which are sometimes cursed memes and memes which are really funny and wholesome which everyone can enjoy. 🤣🤣🤣 5. Maybe I can include this for August's achievements even though it will arrive in the next stream. The idea of ​​making another stream tierlist that will arrive in the next stream, which I even helped @Obi to make it more complete and better in the tierlist 🤩🤩🤩 I think that's all my achievements this month which I think are quite a lot and yes, hopefully in the future I can do it again, maybe one day 😉😁 Thanks Guys 🌟

# 2



1 năm trước

It's super cool and awesome that you're able to do so many varied things in and for the community, while getting PBs and leaderboard rankings on top. I always appreciate your memes and videos, so I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself with the game and everything surrounding it. Keep up the awesome! :D

# 3


(GM) SodaMeow

1 năm trước did so much in the past month @WendySimple! Even getting there to the top 5 on the leaderboard all done within 2 days I believe... I only help you with a few coins...heh. Everything was your own efforts! Congrats and maybe we need to make a Meme of you doing all of those things in one go...heh! Thats a though! LOL. ~MEOW

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