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Should some dead accounts be pruned

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

I noticed a lot of accounts for players that have literally not played at all. There are 18,107 accounts that have literally not left the village and have thus not even discovered the forest area or defeated a single enemy. There are 45,810 accounts that have not exceeded level 1. (Under 4,100 coins collected) There are 150,274 accounts that have not reached level 5, (16,384 coins) I think this shows the need for some form of autoprune mechanism. The first category should probably be pruned fairly quickly. The others might be a little more difficult. However, considering a player can easily reach level 10 by simply traveling inland far enough or defeating a sufficient number of enemies.

Bưu kiện 1–1 của 1