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The End of Valessi

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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10 tháng trước

Tu-turo! Currently, Valessi is not at the state that I wanted, I really wish I could build much more and make much more, Valessi should be much bigger, but due to irl stuff I have to manage, I'm having less and less time to building. Also there's some other things that block my advance. This is a list of Neo Valessi and Old Valessi informations, secrets and less knows or unknown facts. I'm releasing all of this for comparison and to few things don't become lost media. Valessi, mid May 2019 New Valessi, 28 March 2022 - Old Valessi facts: - •Old Valessi was iniciated around mid May 2019 as a side building, so I wouldn't be sick of building Aspatia, I was basically building both at the same time, before Aspatia became a wonder. It started with the fortress of course, and then some houses started being built slowly. •The design of the houses was stolen from obi's playground. :) •When I started building the houses, Id often get visited by obi and Lucy-, they had drakelings while I was struggling to climb the houses. •The museum design was inspired by London Parliament. •The airship Regalia Presto's name is a reference to the Kill La Kill Jazukuri Nono's flying uniform. The airship Lord of Bonfim is a reference to Salvador's Basilica Senhor do Bonfim. •There was actually a hidden witch tower not so far from the airships dock. •Instead of Zooyhs' house, it was supposed to be Alexi's house. The house without residents was supposed to be Tails' house. And the blue roof house was supposed to be Hummm's house, this explains the blue wooden roof and the photons on the outside (due to Hummm's lab). •There was a good amount of special holo npcs scrolls inside the houses, some with jokes and references to other players. •Valessi is very close to Neferspi, it takes between 15-20 minutes of walking to get there. The White Swan is also very close. •A good part of Valessi was already built before photons (and smokes) were added, so because of this some photon tests I made when released were buried under Valessi. •Dust Bunny's tavern music was actually an attempt to make Harry Potter's theme song. •There was a hidden cave close to the channel, it's entrance was camouflaged with trees and bushes. A holo scroll with a joke could be found inside. •A soldier had lost his toast for breakfast near some dinning tables, and the player could find another soldier eating it not very far. •The priest is sussy. •The first tour happened on October, 12, 2019 - stream #258. (Same day as the stream #1). - Neo Valessi facts - •Neo Valessi iniciated •Violet statue inside the church was fatih's idea, since Valessi is close to Neferspi, he said it would be very cool if Valessi had Violent and Neferspi Crimson. •Some of Old Valessi remainings can be found under the marketplace and heading north. •The new houses are actually much bigger than the old houses, and they vary in sizes, which makes Neo Valessi much bigger than before. •There should be a merchant airship that would appear only during stream, and It would disappear one day after. •Npcs should have schedules. •Theres 7 languanges being used by the npcs, the 1st most used language is Portuguese, followed by German in 2nd. •The Guild should have quests for players. •The Channel was supposed to reach Neferspi. •There should be a cheese press area and flowers farms. Old Valessi structure: 27 houses in total. All houses was 3 blocks wide of interior. Gray was the dominant colour. Professions and establishments: Tailor Soldier Doctor Tavern keeper Inn keeper Baker Priest Blacksmith Barber There was supposed to be an archer, but it was never really added. Neo Valessi structure: 136 houses in total. Houses vary in sizes, 5-7-9 wide of interior. There's a wide range of colours being used, roof, walls, paths, decorations. Professions and establishments: Cornish pasty bakery Fletcher Watchmaker Flower shop Forge Potions shop Witch house Granadier Composer Painter Gunsmith Brewer Pub Blacksmith Potter Fisher Tax collector Hospital Weaver Bookshop Inventor Wine shop Baker Butcher Trinkets shop General shop Church Graveyard Craftsman Workshop Guild Tavern Gem shop Bath house Jewelry Writer Engineer Herb shop Screenshots and videos: I lost a lot of screenshots from 2019, that's why there's little to zero old Valessi screenshots. Made by fatih: Made by Angelio: It's been very fun to build until now, in 2019 and in this year, I'm very happy to have all of this recorded and to show what I'm actually capable of, it's been a very fulfilling personal project until now, I really enjoy spending some time ingame and interacting on stream. I wish I will have time to spend with Angeldust, but no promises :) Maybe I will build something else, but also I want to expand Valessi even more and complete it 100% one day. Bing chilling.

# 2



10 tháng trước

Valessi is perfect and I am a proud dad

# 3



10 tháng trước

Claps for the Valessi, The amazing wonder.

# 4



10 tháng trước

This was really great information, thank you for sharing Ruan4K. Hope to see you building again one day soon

# 5



10 tháng trước

Major thanks to Ruan for giving us an extended tour through Valessi on the livestream. It's a phenomenal and absolutely stunning build. I mean, look at this and tell me it doesn't look great: The entire livestream is just a highlight reel of beautiful moments strung together. I know I'll be visiting a lot to find all the details and test new graphical features. Thank you so much Ruan. Regardless of what happens in the future, you went out with a bang!

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