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Sudden Realization:

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–6 của 6





7 năm trước

I have realized,that now people are not getting online as often, It's a bit sad how the Angeldust community went from thousands to hundreds in months..Since no one is getting online that much. Where the heck is everyone?..Where did the Angeldust players go? Is this the end of Angeldust? (May be taking it a bit too serious..)

# 2


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

Well... I'm still in the game a lot, even though, I'm not seen much. The nice weather might have something to do with less shows.

# 3



7 năm trước

Firefly's on a much needed break. Last things he's done were tables and chairs and stair blocks. Then he reworked server-side things to make the programing more flexible. If I'm not mistaken this in theory allows for him to move our houses and makes it so we'll be able to ride horses. Also allows for the possibility to remove player claims; people have claimed lands and then regretted it. Before undoing the purchase was not possible and now with a few further adjustments to the game code it will be. These are the updates that are close at hand. A player vs. player option seems to be next on the list after the things I've mentioned. I've heard serious talk about more monster types. Specific quests are apparently somewhere further away but still on the list. Firefly says he has many NPC players on his test server and that they have artificial intelligence which allows them to 'play better some new players.' Those are as of now only on Firefly's test server and used for stress testing purposes of Firefly's personal server. Right now there are no NPCs on the game server. However Firefly could migrate some of them over and perhaps they will have something to do with these quests. Oh and he was going to add a gold bonus for playing using the 'play together' option. Something was said about 100 gold or 1000 gold for playing for a specified time period; in order to give further incentive to play together. That was going to be happening really soon and then Firefly needed a break. Basically everything is all set for awhile and updates will be coming in rapid pace once they start. This is an 'in development' game. There was a surge of people who started playing. Many people didn't devote a ton of play time because of the missing features. These have developed along very nicely and at a steady pace in my opinion. The summer season does have an impact on the number of people playing video games. The features I've mentioned will be added to the game when Firefly gets to them at his steady pace. There will be another surge of players. Players will devote more time because there will be more to do. Firefly does have a plan and I think it's falling into place quite nicely. It's not as if he expected overnight success. He knows the game needs improving that's why it's 'in development' he wants a player base so that he knows that if he devotes his time improving the game people will play it. His streams are always busy if you can be around when those start back up. I will just say here that I know there are people in the game. I cannot find them. The game world is so huge that wandering into someone without using the 'play together' option is probably almost impossible. Even walking randomly and finding something that another player has claimed and built is almost like finding a diamond dropped in the sand on a beach. We come on here and we make friends and then we can find each other but there's a language barrier which divides these forums and some people might not check the forums. I will admit that's the worst thing. To know that people are playing the game and not being able to find them. I'm sure this will be corrected in part as a result of the planned additions to the game. Firefly hasn't quit so it's only going to get better. I'm not going to quit and whatever you do you should keep an eye on this game because when it gets better it's going to be really fun.

# 4



7 năm trước

Love that reply (º^º) (?)

# 5



7 năm trước

And I think it would be great to add a clan system, so you could meet more people, one enters a clan and sees a lot of names of the people of the clan, in addition to a clan chat that could help to warn others when you or other member find a new creature for example ...

# 6



7 năm trước

bring on the /slash commands!!! ... /group /clan /promote /kick :P

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