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Influencer badge

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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6 tháng trước

Is it possible to make a badge for people with TikTok, YouTube,ig,twitch accounts dedicated to making angel dust videos to make more people know about the game?

# 2



6 tháng trước

Yeah a batch for the people who do Angeldust related videos l think it will be good.Your idea is nice but see what @Firefly will tell

# 3



6 tháng trước

Additional promotion for Angeldust is always welcome, but I feel a badge would be the wrong reward currently. If players naturally want to promote the game their reward would consist of a larger community, more activity in the game and more fun on the forums. So their efforts producing videos would benefit everyone and you wouldn't need a badge. There are certainly a few people who contribute valuable meme videos and media almost every week, and they'd deserve official recognition. Though I promised @fatih+ a badge once and then didn't give it, because it's such a fine line to walk with the scarcity of badges. I'm afraid that any badge as a reward for having a social media channel is going to get spammed, abused and memed into oblivion. Where would we draw the line? Is an empty channel on TikTok enough for the badge? Is one low-effort three-second video enough for the badge? Would @RobbaDoba get the badge for reposting unrelated memes? This badge concept lacks an objective, measurable metric. You can say the same of Contributor, and that has been problematic in the past with @fatih+, so I don't want to introduce an even more generic badge with ill-defined properties.

# 4



6 tháng trước

petition to give RobbaDoba a badge petition to give RobbaDoba a badge petition to give RobbaDoba a badge!!!!!!!!!!!

# 5



6 tháng trước

Thanks to @62278801's amazing post I remembered that the situation with @fatih+ wasn't about a Contributor badge, but about the Pioneer badge, for being a pioneer in advanced memetics. Also: GIVE R0BADObBA bAtCh N o W PlZ111!!

# 6



6 tháng trước

im still waiting for that batch >>>>>>:((((((. grhhhhh....angyyyy >:(( (JK i love you 🥰🥰🥰🥰)

# 7



6 tháng trước


# 8


The Ciarti

6 tháng trước

Hello, I put aside the topic of this forum for a long time but I think it would be a good idea to have an influencer badge (a mini video game controller next to the name). I think you wouldn't necessarily have to give everyone a badge of this just for uploading memes and videos that aren't even made with any kind of effort, you should have a maximum number of followers to be able to claim this badge (also applied by games such as Free Fire) It would be great if this idea was taken into account, so more players would be encouraged to post videos about the game (win the game and the players win)

# 9


The Ciarti

6 tháng trước

@FireFly sees this as an opportunity to grow to a higher level of your beautiful creation, it's like thousands of players strive to become wonder builders and few succeed, and you could do the same but to make this game known beyond this community. a certain number of followers for an exclusive prize, a special badge and also permission to ride dragons (wow) this makes me excited just thinking about it

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