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Bưu kiện 1–7 của 7





6 tháng trước

I decided to finally try the ingame recording. But I think I am doing it wrong. I record with the editing mode, using the glasses. But when I go to replay it it shows my all the yellow dividers, etc. What am I doing wrong?

# 2



6 tháng trước


# 3



6 tháng trước

Not sure what that means but I am using a different program, works great on Linux. SimpleScreenRecorder. Edit: The reason why I am doing this is that I want to start doing some videos. I am not a fan of Youtube or Twitch but once I find a place I like I will post the link here. I did say I really love this game lol.

# 4



6 tháng trước

In-game replays in Angeldust only store your gameplay session, from sign-in to sign-out. This is not a video recording, rather just the game data required to recreate your session later. This allows you to replay your gaming session and then go into cinematic mode(s) to have a free flying camera while all the action plays out. You'll then need a screen recording application like OBS or QuickTime Player (on macOS) to actually record your footage. Once recorded, you can edit your videos as normal. I've used this technique for a lot of the official Angeldust trailers. Recording game replays during my livestream and then playing them back while screen recording months later. The cool thing is that I can create videos of older situations with the latest Angeldust graphics at any time.

# 5



6 tháng trước

Recording your game session let's you "play back" the session. During the playback you are able to change your viewing perspective, even go into cinematic mode and take screenshots. One interesting "side effect", if you're in cinematic mode when your hero teleports, your camera (POV) does not TP with your hero (and the "world" your camera stays at, no longer receives updates), you'll need to leave cine mode to return to your hero and the "update stream". Have you considered

# 6



6 tháng trước

Ahhh, that explains it. I also found out it was for ingame as well. Yes, I was thinking Rumble. Good website and growing gaming section. Thanks for the info. I got so busy with building I didn't really check anything else out.

# 7


(GM) SodaMeow

6 tháng trước

Cine mode is like a out of body Wonder if there will be chat in cine mode in future. It be pretty good esp for those stuck in dungeons. heh.

Bưu kiện 1–7 của 7