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Senku11191099 wonder 🤯

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–4 của 4





2 tháng trước

Senku's wonder build is soo wonderful it's just 🤌 I just saw a clip of that the building very nice to see the builds just to say what's there there are a Japan torii and massive buildings and more are there if you guys wanna visit the ' building wonder not finish i think 🤔 the cords of the wonder is X [REDACTED] Y [REDACTED] FF pls come if your free this is senku's favour 🔥

# 2



2 tháng trước

I've redacted the coordinates in your post. I think it's bad form to publicly post about another player's build that might not be prepared for anonymous (and potentially ill-behaved) visitors. If the player in question wants me to visit their build and review it for wonder status, they should contact me myself.

# 3



2 tháng trước

Iam soo sorry ff I just wanna gave a clip of the wonder or soo senku agreed to post this on the website that's why I posted and another thing is that senku is from Russia i think it might be a hard to communicate with you iam very sorry if I did anything wrong 😭.

# 4



2 tháng trước

Can you pls delete this form pls firefly.

Bưu kiện 1–4 của 4