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Charger Coordinates Possible?

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I'm thinking, how nice it would be to be able to type coordinates into the charger and go anywhere we would like to on the planet (what's the name of the planet?). If that's too easy for the player, then have it so that only the coordinates that we have visited can be typed into the charger, and work. Oh... to have such freedom!

# 2



7 năm trước

My understanding is that the concept of angledust is exploring and discovering things on you own; while I agree, the massive size of the game world poses a drawback in that places are far in between and almost impossible to find. Space is green's road and the other to the north of it allows us the most information about the layout of the game world. I walked past the end of the road for a distance that I cannot recall but it wasn't too far. I hadn't purchased a claim so they weren't outlined in blue, which is the only way to follow a straight line. Anyway I used the path to the north of the striped road to figure out that when I thought I had been walking straight West, I was actually going South West and I had strayed to the South 10 claims. So even if I know your place is 30 claims to the North, there's no guarantee that I'll get there. In fact I believe it's most likely that I'll end up 10 or 15 claims to the East or West of your place unless I'm really careful. That's far enough away to not even see it and I would have no idea if I missed East or West so I wouldn't know which way to go once I became sure I'd missed it and by the time I figured that out I'd be past it. As time goes by people will build more stuff and stumbling upon player creations randomly should someday start to happen. I think something needs to be done with that telecharger, perhaps we could set a more personal locations or maybe you could set a permanent teleport in a popular place which goes to your place. Because I've been to your underground factory place or whatever you call it many times but I can't get there, unless I teleport to your hero or unless it's your world location. I think Frank did it on purpose, he put in the general directions indicator instead of a straight up compass. It's almost like we need to travel in large partys and make someone be navigator. I know some of it's intentional but I think it's a bit much. I was backtracking the road yesterday and wandered off it chasing monsters. I knew I had gone after them to the South. I went back to find the road. It took at least 5 minuets to get back. I was beginning to believe that it wasn't there when I saw the tornado that Obi made for Mercy Parker and it's a road that's almost 100 claims long and I had a hard time getting back to it.

# 3


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I have a way of making sure that I explore in a straight line. Just go to the Shop, spend #!000 for "Claimed Land", but don't claim any land... just go the direction you want to (with Telecharger highligted), while looking at the sky and the blue lines will keep you going the correct direction. The only things that will cause you to get off track will be having to fight creatures, and having to go around some mountains.

# 4


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I meant to type "$1000" in that last comment, and left out the "h" on the word 'highlighted'. Wasn't wearing my reading glasses ;)

# 5



7 năm trước

Yeah, if we had a party of 10 or 15 people someone could navigate and 5 people could protect this person. The others could rampage around and draw in creatures as the party walked. I've wanted to set up a large hunting ground where I have a bunch of claims spaced out. Then as I hunted I would walk through the unclaimed areas and hunt from one claim to another. If these were spaced out far enough I think it would be fun and it would probably be challenging to find the places; especially if they were just little hunting stands with no big ridiculous things stretching up to the sky. We could split into teams and race from one hunting stand to the other, if we trusted each other not to teleport.

# 6


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

Sounds like you're saying, creatures won't spawn on claimed lands, which makes sense, if that's what you're saying. In my town,"Justice", I've been seeing creatures spawning only outside the claimed lands.

# 7



7 năm trước

Boss man Frank said once that he 'was trying to keep the creatures from spawning on claims.' While there are creatures near the edges, if you have a big square block it keeps them off pretty good. That's another thing. I know he's working on a PVP and I'm not sure how that's going to work. I think it would be best if we could somehow set if the block of claims should be pvp or not and if creatures should be present. Also I hope he migrates his NPC's from his test server. If we could put creatures and / or NPC's onto our claims it would breath life into them. I'm going to put up a huge football stadium sized arena someplace; I don't want it to appear sad and abandoned. I want to put it someplace where I can guarantee action at least some of the time. But for right now we would have a hard time drawing creatures into such an arena.

# 8


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

That would be good to have the NPCs incorporated into the game, and add some life. I'd like permanent creatures (won't despawn) (except they can be killed) so that I can have a zoo, so my town can have some life in it, also. Frank could have a maximum number of spawned creatures in every level so it won't overtax the server.

# 9


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

Maybe make this an upgrade function to the telecharger? Along with weapon upgrades this would be nice. Various upgrades should have level minimums to function. This one should require somewhere between Lv 30 and Lv 40 to force players to explore on their own a bit.

# 10



7 năm trước

how am i suppost to find the road ive been seaching for a few months now and i cant find it

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