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Alternative Server

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7 năm trước

Well... this might drive the Official AD Server Insane I Made a Alternative Server when I fought with a admin on AD Server cause well I start it first :P Let's get right into it This is Brand New Server known as "Resistance" cause idk it sounds cool Currently we have around 18+ active members Admin, Moderator included Looking for 1 more Admin and 4 Modders 24/7 Looking forwards for new member and Rules are bit different you may get some freedom if you know what I mean This server is not only for AD players but Open for everyone. Have a Happy Day Joining Us

# 2



7 năm trước

To those who wish to join his server... Note the folowwing .Hash uses bad language. Have no respect for anyone and harasses girls/women. That is the reason he was kicked out of the AD discord server.. After uncountable warnings

# 3



7 năm trước

I use bad language it's my style and I apologise after harassing them I do realise my mistake but they forgive me unlike you flirting with little girls

# 4



7 năm trước

looking for problems where there is none, the (WOMEN) being flirted aren't complaining now are they, little girls aren't 16+ , And my *flirting* is being kind and polite and fun, not once have I ever unlike you sexual harassed 1 of them and when they told you that you are disrespectful you laugh at them, Once again you are a sick boy who is very childish, so we can go about this topic all day, im a gentleman and treat everyone with respect and if i feel i offended them i personally apologised to them, ask them each one personally You however are just a kid who seeks attention and to be honest i would say is a pervert with a bad mouth,, soo pls i dare you to take me on, for everyone to see

# 5



7 năm trước

WOLFTHORN has a point here guys, His flirting is him being kind, polite and fun. He has never ever sexual harassed anyone! He is not disrespectful. Hashking can be very childish and Immature!

# 6



7 năm trước

Change your name whenever you want ice look dawg I ain't causing any drama alright I do my stuff you do yours simple as that no sabotage and stuff end this stuff here

# 7



7 năm trước

I dont see how all this is relevant to this topic, this is an invitation to a server, not this

# 8



7 năm trước

You know what... Join his server idc .. Do what you want say what you like ... Im done here. And im done with AD to. Enjoy yourself cuz no one cares about anyone anymore

# 9



7 năm trước


# 10



7 năm trước

Hash.... You only live once soo make it count. Just forget what happend here and move on with whatever you do and be sure not to make the same mistakes again. *though its only a mistake if you learn from it and do things differently next time* peace be with you.. If you want to discus this further send me a discord massage. I hope we can leave the argument here

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 10