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IDEA: portals

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7 năm trước

I was thinking about portals. Special objects (doors?) that works like the TP Tool. First we mark the entrance to a portal placing an object. Then we go to another place in the world (using TP Tool if necessary) and we mark the exit using another (or the same) object, so creating a portal between them. It could be one-way or two-ways. The entrance and the exit can be specials doors/objects on the store, to be connected in some way. Maybe they can be connected using the TP tool...? I'm not sure. Portals could be permanent or temporal. Temporal portals lasts for X minutes. Permanent portals lasts until they are destroyed. Permanent portals can be useful to make new kinds of mazes or to make a hub to other places. Who knows. And with temporal portals we can make a temporal passage to invite others to a new place. Even can be used during streaming to invite players to know a new place (house, town, any construction, etc). Just an idea for the future. I'm not sure if a good idea xD I need go to sleep :D

# 2



7 năm trước

I think permanent portals are a bit iffy for now, since they'll require a lot of UI work and convoluted player interaction to get working. I like to keep things simple, so I'll think on this a bit more. Temporary portals seem like a good way to work around the current limitation where you can't befriend players in-game (working on that). Dropping a player-bound portal would allow anyone to teleport to anyone — I quite like the idea. You'd basically select a 'drop portal' option in the telecharger and other players can enter the portal to teleport to you, wherever you go next. Feedback on this is welcome.

# 3


Liutenant joseph

7 năm trước

Regarding the choice of implementing/instituting(bad english) a portal would be great as a can build a room for it so more people can have access to my city

# 4


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I like portals. I also like the idea of typing in the coordinates into the Telecharger and teleport to any point in the world. To simplify things, not every square needs to have a coordinate point... maybe, just have a 1,000-2,000 points that are equally spaced on the AngelDust map, to where we can teleport to? Maybe, so players can't turn those coordinates into traps, nobody can claim land at those coordinates. I understand that implementing is harder than coming up with ideas.

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