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My Gold Total...

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Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

The amount of gold that I'm carrying in the game isn't coordinating with the amount shown on the website. In the game, I'm carrying 46,768 in gold... but, it shows 45,768 on the site. I lost 2k in gold last week, in the same way, but didn't say anything about it. Now, it looks like I will lose 1k in gold.

# 2



7 năm trước

The web site shows the total you've collected, including money you've spent on blocks, claims, items, etc.

# 3


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I'm not talking about my all-time total. I'm talking about the total of gold that I'm supposed to be carrying which is under my name, on the upper right of this page

# 4



7 năm trước

Hmm, that sounds odd. If you sign out and in to the website, does the coin total update? I can try to dig into this if you're absolutely sure, but the code looks clean. Is there a pattern (certain game events) to the coin amount mismatch?

# 5


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I just signed out and back in (on the website), and the amounts in the game and on this site are still the same... 1k difference. BUT, I also, just signed out and signed back in on the game, and my total just lost 1k (now, it equals the website's amount), like it did last week (I lost 2k at that time). I suspect, that I will make lots of gold in the game, and eventually, the site will show a lesser amount, and then I'll lose the difference (1k, 2k, etc.) after I sign back into the game.

# 6



7 năm trước

The website will show the persistent (saved) amount of coins you've got at all times. The in-game count is potentially off because you can buy stuff on the website while playing (did you maybe do that?) and the game doesn't get notified until you sign-in again.

# 7



7 năm trước

Also — it's odd that you report to lose money exactly in 1K coin increments. Do you purchase land claims or other items during these sessions? Maybe the game forgets to notify you of spent coins or so…

# 8


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

It's possible, that I had bought something from The Shop, lately, although, I don't remember doing so. I'll pay closer attention to that. I've been at my Claimed Land limit for awhile. Thanks FireFly, for the comment and possible, or probable, explanations.

# 9



7 năm trước

You're welcome. If you (or others) notice gold sync problems between game and website, I'd rather hear about it so I can dig for explanations and or solutions. I'm not talking about 'losing coins' or 'money disappearing' as that doesn't happen. Really :)!

# 10


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I don't know if this ruins any theories, but whenever I do buy items from The Shop, I do see the amount being subtracted from my gold inside the game. I'll still pay closer attention, though.

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