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A Flying Machine?

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

Wouldn't it be cool to buy a Flying Machine at The Shop, that can fly very high, take us faster, and for a few levels before it runs out of "gold". YES! It can run on gold. So, that means, it would give us another useful reason to get more gold, and lots of it... keeping us interested. Also, make the Flying Machine very expensive to buy... like $200,000 in gold. Wouldn't such an item give us another reason, an incentive, and a goal, to play Angeldust? Also, make it possible to change colors of our Flying Machine, and, make it possible to upgrade our engine (making it faster, be more efficient (use less gold), and fly further), which won't be cheap, either. With a Flying Machine, the additions to the game are endless... I'm ready to build an airport! Make this a go, Firefly??

# 2



7 năm trước

a very good idea :D got a picture of a propeller kinda a small helicopter in the builder style with wood planks and metall in my head, like a ultralight aircraft small helicopter used in pokhara to see the himalaya from a distance at the horizon :)

# 3



7 năm trước a 2 seater so you can bring your newbie friend with you and it counts boths gold so it's kinda easier ^^ but i think it shouldn't cost more than 30k if it is already flying on gold xD

# 4


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

Of course, Firefly would figure out how much a Flying Machine would cost, in accordance with how much gold it would take to fly it. But, it's too easy to get $30k, though, and something that's as cool as a Flying Machine should fit with its cost. Players would gladly play longer hours just to get the gold that's needed because it would put them in a higher class of Angeldust players... essentially, making the game more popular, because there is another goal, and that very cool goal shouldn't be easily obtainable. Who knows... if Firefly thought it was cool, and decided to incorporate it into the game, he'll probably give the Flying Machine a different price tag than $30k or $200k.

# 5



7 năm trước

If you ask me, I would prefer ride flying monsters. Maybe big hawks (LOTR) and dragons (GoT) :D

# 6



7 năm trước

I'm w/ Fierro ... riding flying creature is WAY more attractive ... oh and on the gold thing... you're sorely mistaken. the first 30K is easy; because you can get 27K just by TPing to a friend in new areas ... not to mention another ~25K in discovered blocks, then there's about 140K you can get from first time creature discovery (IFF you can find them all) ... If you're keeping track, that's about 200K after that, it's a SLOW grind. Just look at the top players: page 1 is doable in 2-3 weeks, but > 500K is a LONG haul.

# 7


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

Why not have both... Flying Machine and flying creature, so we can choose? Frank-ly (pardon the pun), I don't even ride a horse much (and I don't use one at all for when I go out to fight... too cumbersome). So, a flying monster probably wouldn't thrill me much, either, unless the rules were different than the rules for riding a horse (or moa). After buying a flying monster, the goal is done, and no more reason to keep gathering gold... boredom returns. With a Flying Machine, the game still has a reason for gathering gold, IF the Flying Machine needs gold to keep running. Upgrades to the Flying Machine would also create more reasons to gather more gold.

# 8


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

It worries me, when someone says,"I'm with" so and so... because of the possibility of someone logging onto another account and patting themself on the back, or boasting about one's own ideas. We've already seen that happen just a couple of days ago, in some comments. I'm NOT saying, that's what's happening here, but, it's something to think about.

# 9



7 năm trước

Trust me .. I'm not Fierro. I do, on the other hand, bear a remarkable resemblance to Hummmster :P If you have any doubts, see the last live stream. Fierro and I are both in it, and obviously not the same person.

# 10


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I believe you ;) It's just that, when you said,"I'm w/ Fierro", it reminded me of someone else's comments just a few days ago (the two people were obviously the same person), and there are many of us that have multiple accounts, including me. You and Fierro can still be the same person, if someone, like a son or daughter (or sister, or brother), played with your other account during the stream... although, I'm not saying, that's what happened. I do have such a criminal mind for thinking of things like that.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 14

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