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Game world permanence

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7 năm trước

So I was reading up on quantum physics this week and suddenly it resonated with Lt. Joseph's on-stream wish to improve despawning of creatures. I devised a way to improve the permanence of the Angeldust game world. Instead of creatures and stuff immediately despawning when you leave an area, everything will remain there for some time. This means that your own horse (or moa) will stay around much longer and that you can backpedal into a 'safe' space that you created earlier while battling larger creatures. You can also backtrack to seek out legendary creatures that ran away. Initial testing is looking rock-solid. I think I'll be able to roll out this server-side update later this week. Comments, questions and thoughts are appreciated here.

# 2



7 năm trước

Sounds good to me! :)

# 3


space is green

7 năm trước

Firefly wrote: "So I was reading up on quantum physics [...] Instead of creatures and stuff immediately despawning when you leave an area, everything will remain there for some time." Actually according to quantum physics: As soon as you stop observing the "creatures and stuff" they will collapse into probability waves. Once they are observed again they retroactively "remained" there. In other words: If you take a peek they where there the whole time, but they were never there if you never looked.

# 4


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

This helps, as far as hunting creatures that have disappeared off the screen. For people that hunt with their horses (or moas), this is a step in the right direction. I personally, don't hunt with my horse because it takes to many keyboard movements to use, so not efficient enough for me when in a fighting situation. Perhaps, making the horse (or moa) run faster, that might make it feasible for me to use my horse. I don't mean to sound negative, because the game is still worth playing, and has lots of potential. And, I don't want to discourage, so please, take any of my comments as being constructive criticism.

# 5


space is green

7 năm trước

spelling error: "where" should be "were" in the last sentence. :P

# 6


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I had a spelling error, also.... should be "too" instead of "to" in the 11th word of the 2nd paragraph ;)

# 7



7 năm trước

nice i was always worried that if i would find my last 4 legendary creatures one could disappear infront of my nose :^/ like it happened earlier with a golden horse luckily there were always 3 but with others like the golden moa or even the rhino appeared only singly so good that this will change :D sometimes i killed 3 skorpions walked a bit back in the opposite direction came back 20sec later and they respawned :o will this still be a thing after the update don't think so right? ^^

# 8



7 năm trước

While I'd be the first one to admit having to choose between scorpions on the right and lings on the left (knowing full well that whichever group I choose the other will despawn) I've become quite accustomed to making good choices, and, knowing that lings will respawn again soon enough. ;) I have also become very good at "manipulating" the current creature spawn, by backtracking to cause the dreaded mammoths from being a major problem for me. <siderant on> There would be absolutely no love loss if mammoths were removed from the game (or significantly changed) They are way too aggressive, have throwing and stomp range way too far, take far too long to kill, and worth almost no coins with respect to the amount of time it takes to kill them. <siderant off> Also, having just spent 2+ hours last night digging a super long "rino tunnel", it was only possible because of my ability to backtrack causing the creature(s) ahead to despawn. (there's no way I could fight the above-ground creatures AND maintain control of the rino down below. Therefore, I hope you tread slowly making these kinds of changes (not that I have any say in the matter) and, I would love to participate in a pre-test group to see how it plays before it was cast in stone (again, not that I deserve any special treatment, but I can offer perhaps more hunting playtime than anyone else other than perhaps you (Firefiy)) I have some other thoughts, but I think I'll put them in another thread since it's different topic then creature persistence.

# 9



7 năm trước

I thought you left Hummm??? Also yes people, Stold/Oasis has been learking the forums daily.

# 10



7 năm trước

no, I haven't left, not even considered leaving ... you have seen the scoreboard, yes?? ... my plan is to hold the top 3 spots ... but Fierro is messing w/ me :P

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