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Unique Item Hunt...

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I was brainstorming, and I believe it would create more interest in the game, but I don't know how hard it would be to implement. Firefly can create a unique item and hide it somewhere on the planet (BTW... what's the name of this planet?), and the players can hunt for it. Anyone that finds the unique item will have something that no one else has. And then, Firefly can create another unique item and hide it, after the other unique item has been found. Maybe, there can be several different unique items that can be hidden at the same time. Perhaps, allow the players know what the unique items are after they're hidden, and check off a list after each item is found. The unique item can be a weapon, a building block, the power to ride a creature that's not a moa or horse, a texture, etc.. There might be a problem with making the item so it wouldn't de-spawn while it's hidden, and other problems. Such a hunt could take forever, considering the area in the game. I just thought I'd comment on my idea before I forget about it. Any other ideas are welcome....

# 2



7 năm trước

So I'm guessing this Crimson Lantern Block is one of the unique Items?

# 3



7 năm trước

Hey, who said that a 'one-of' legendary item isn't already in the game? It's just that nobody has found it yet!

# 4


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

Firefly and DrStarr... I probably didn't explain myself well enough. Can this one-of-a-kind legendary item be possessed by only one player, and no one else? Or, can the item go into only one player's inventory, and no one else? Just curious. I wasn't really talking about items that can be unlocked and everyone can possess it. I'm thinking, the joy of the hunt and the thought of being rewarded, would increase more interest, not the actual discovery of the unique item (which only one person can possess). It's probably too much work to do the programming for only one person to be rewarded, but the thought of discovering the unique item (that only one person can possess) might generate another reason for many people to play the game. It'd be like an Easter egg hunt, where only one person can have that special egg.

# 5



7 năm trước

Actually, I'm quite certain it was already implemented and already found, never to be found again: Gold bug. Congratulations DiegoTauruz! (and thanks for including the privileged few)

# 6



7 năm trước

Kamikaze Justice – I understood perfectly what you meant! Hummm – the gold bug is pretty rare, but I'm sure it spawns more than once in multiple locations. I'll dig into this soon, to make a chronological list of players who found everything.

# 7



7 năm trước

cool ... I was one of the privileged few to be included on the Gold Bug kill .. but I've spent many hours over the last 3 months looking for another. Hummm is only missing 1 now (Wonderwyrm), but it's not been a high enough priority... and may never be with the "new" static creatures ... which has hurt every aspect of the game for me.

# 8


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I'm glad that you understand what I'm talking about, Firefly, but it seems the comments are missing my idea... Can you put this Gold Bug in your INVENTORY and use it, and no one else? Can you ride this Gold Bug, like a moa or a horse, and nobody else can claim it? It sounds to me, like this Gold Bug can be found, but that's all you can do with it... just find it, and it doesn't do anything for you after it's found... like help you build, use as a weapon, ride it like a pet horse, etc. What you're talking about is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about finding unique (one-of-a-kind> no doubles) items that can be utilized by only the one person that finds it... Wouldn't it be a great bragging right to build with a unique block that nobody can get their hands on, and every time somebody sees it in your buildings, they ask,"Where did you get that?... "I've never seen such a block"... that's because it's unique, and only one person can use it because he found it. If a God Bug could be used as a pet, and go around with you (the one and only person that found it, because it's unique) in the game, that would be kind of cool... maybe, even help zap a few enemies along the way. That would be utilization.

# 9


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

Sorry... there's a typo... I meant "Gold Bug", not "God Bug", in the 2nd paragraph.

# 10



6 năm trước

how to get a kind of blocks like pink jelly ?

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