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your suggested improvements?

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7 năm trước

here is my personal suggestions of course :) -more variety of enemies and less color swap -some form of lore -increase walking speed or allow unlimited sprint -more classes in the future of course -mounts -a wiki would be nice for explaining alot of things :p -house voting would be cool for getting bonus gold :) -a reward system for going down that road and rating houses would also be nice :) -some form of crafting/minigames to help cope with the long walks -the game is simple and relaxing imo, but is too simple and in general needs more gameplay content -improvement of some graphics would be nice, it feels like a PS1 game, but i would like ps2 levels :) also, quick question, where can i get me some pink material for my home???

# 2


Jade Jester

7 năm trước

#1 CHOPPING DOWN TREES 2# Dueling #3 Guilds with actual forts and such #4 The ability to name anything anything.

# 3



7 năm trước

you can chop down trees with the builders axe ;)

# 4



7 năm trước

More Weapons which can be found or crafted but it should be really hard to get them

# 5



7 năm trước

Duly noted!

# 6


Hellfall Ulysses

7 năm trước

apologies if i made too many suggestions:D -a tutorial (or at least a general sign to tell us how to play) -vastly increase sky build limits -quests(to earn money) -the ability to make constructions into vehicles -vehicle implementation(add stuff like wheels) -cannon (because there are bombs) -terrain map (to find terrain easier) -the ability to make custom flags -anti grief system (like on others houses but outside the walls)(expensive as hell) -player verses player zones(to earn money or reputation) -factions -sprint bar(somewhere visible around the health bar) -the ability to chop down trees and discover wood :D

# 7



6 năm trước

how to get this red and pink jelly block?

Bưu kiện 1–7 của 7