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7 năm trước

Do you like or love Angeldust? Let us and everyone else know! Write a review on Steam: Post here if you did! Thanks!

# 2



7 năm trước

Hey man, just posted a review. Absolutely loving the game but my only issues really is finding people or adding people in game which i stated in the review and some ideas i had to fix it. (not the best ideas but ideas nonetheless) I feel like a good way to take this game would be to make it a social game and really focus on making that as easy as possible before adding in any new items etc. but thats just my opinion

# 3



7 năm trước

Yes the social aspect is important, I am hard at work improving this. Today I added the 'Friend Request' forum on Steam. People bringing friends into the game are having a blast. We need to make sure everyone does :)

# 4



7 năm trước

I had fun in your party today FireFly, I just wish there was some random grouping with strangers instead of searching for friends. It would make large party more easy to do .

# 5



7 năm trước

I had fun in your party today FireFly, I just wish there was some random grouping with strangers instead of searching for friends. It would make large party more easy to do .

# 6



7 năm trước

Improving the social features is high on the list of priorities. Give me some time to think up a good solution.

# 7



7 năm trước

What if you add a feature that allows you to go off into a separate area that has not been explored... Like a new world... That only that party can be in... It can then be deleted afterwards to conserve space... But it is a nice new adventure. This can play off the a group feature to group with others

# 8



7 năm trước

What I would love to see is more come out of the combat... Like certain items that can be forged with certain drops from mobs... This can make combat sort of a requirement... But on top of this... You can make certain mobs drop a special thing... So this creates a certain hunt aspect. Needing to find a specific mob will add a special kind of fun that not many games today have. Only one I have ever seen is Monster Hunter

# 9



7 năm trước

On top of what I just said.... Maybe potions can benefit easily... Speed boost damage boost. Maybe introducing a cool down for ability like scouts glide and specially the mage class... These can make a certain need. And items to add to the potion to make it AoE or specifically 1 teammate or self. But you need all components at the start... Or maybe add it later

# 10



7 năm trước

Good ideas. Please note that some creature already drop special items that you can use to show off your experience in the game.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 25

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