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7 năm trước

Intro: ------ Firstly I'd like to say congratulations the game is pretty addicting already, I understand there is a lot that could be refined, changed and added to the game, I also understand many suggestions here could be the same as some of the other threads I have not taken the time to look through them all and as such I will just list what i believe would be good for the game. Refinements: -------- 1. Hit boxes: Personally I think the hit boxes are a little lacking, there are times when I wont hit a mob at all when the attack was dead center on the other hand there are also times when I've hit mobs when my attack has been many a mile away. 2. User Interface: The simplistic approach works well however I would like a cooldown timer on the "powers?" for example when im a mage i find myself spamming run when i cannot activate it 3. A.I and radius aggression: At present you can pretty much solo the entire game, kiting the mobs are somewhat easy, they seem to bring no challenge, I can out-run all of them. I also think some of the later mobs should trigger their aggro a lot earlier, there are times when i can walk right up to a mob before it will attack, or ill attack a mob in plain view and it will just be stuck still 4. Tree's GTFO: I've found myself building a lot in the open expanse, now... i'm not sure if im missing something but when making larger structures I seem to have to build around trees, even if i take the last block out the tree will float in all of its solid glory blocking me from building and putting some ugly branches around my new build. Suggestions/Additions: ---------------------- 1. Guild/Clan/Groups: Personally I think this is a must have feature in any game, sure some people like to play alone however people love to be connected, clans/guilds are a perfect example of this be it for the like of role-players, quests or even just people who love to build together. 2. More Blocks: Although the blocks in the game are great, once you have bought majority of them you wish you had more, coloured glasses, stained blocks, perhaps even half blocks and stairs people will be able to expand their future homes in no time. 3. Character Progression: The game seems to have no real progression other than counting which areas you have been to and collecting said loot, this is fine but other than buying the odd weapon for your character you don't really feel any different at all. 4. Containers: Be it buckets, jugs or barrels, some kind of container would be great this opens many options for development be it to collect water to make your beloved moat or simply for a nice stew cooking on the stove. 5. Pets/Mounts: Although I do enjoy having a nice stroll alone on the beach, it would always be nice to take a nice ocelot or horse on a stroll, be it through the use of pets or mounts both would be great, the pet system could again expand development, you could create an arena for said pets to do battle or they could purely be for aesthetics. and again although i love walking around the countryside i would enjoy it if for long journeys i could get there a little faster. 6. Land-Claim: I saw there was something about this in development, just to further the suggestion though, I was wondering if there would be some kind of permissions base, so for example if me and a friend decided to claim some land could i give him permission to build upon my land, again relating to the clan/guilds suggestions you could also use this as a base for clan/guild worlds. also how is this claiming going to work, can anyone claim, is it on a coin x measurement basis? is it expandable? This is all that comes to the fore front of my mind at the moment, I'd just like to say great game, with great potential. thank you for taking the time to read this thread and please feel free to leave some comments. -Lambertio

# 2



7 năm trước

You can cut down tree's with builder(axe) aaaaaaaaaaaaand... didn't bother to read the rest, you're welcome.

# 3



7 năm trước

@lambertio Greetings Lambertio, As it currently stands, the game was created by one person by the name of Frank "Firefly" Lucas and as such, he is the only developer working on the game. Within a week's time, he will be implementing a "Claiming System" and a "Random Teleport" GUI which will allow random users to play together. As for adding specific permissions in a claimed area; there has been no talk on that. All that we know is that any claimed land will only be accessible by the one who has claimed it. Moving on to Pets/Mounts. I understand what you're wanting with this and what you could benefit from having a pet or mount but they way you depict the suggestion sounds somewhat familiar to a game called "Minecraft". I am completely on board with the idea for pets and mounts however, I think it would be better to refrain from using animals from Minecraft. (Perhaps a Dragon or Mega Worm?) As for Character Progression and Clans, I think that is a wonderful idea and to be honest, I fully support. I believe these things are slightly mandatory although, people do make their own Clans through the forums and find a group of people who would like to join. Even though there isn't technically a GUI, the players know who is who. This community is ran by the players more than the moderators since the only moderator at this time is FireFly. It's up to us to keep the community going strong. Maybe sometime in the future, FireFly may implement Clans. Also, I understand trees tend to become an issue for you? Well, did you know your inventory transfers over to all four characters? This means all blocks purchased will also be transferred. You can simply switch to the "Builder" class and use the Axe to remove some trees to create room for your house but be warned, trees do not regenerate in the world and can only return through world resets which happen rarely. The User Interface is actually a somewhat difficult challenge at first and I completely understand. When you sprint, there is no cool-down stating when you may sprint again however, if you look right above your inventory hot bar, you may notice a orange man running in place. This is a notification telling you your sprint is ready to be used again. Finally, onto the hitboxes and aggro issues. All of the Angeldust community knows that the hitboxes are slightly buggy and we hope that FireFly will fix them. Especially for the melee classes however, that may prove difficult for FireFly since whole the world is 3D, all hostile units and players are 2D. They can cause issues for hitboxes as well because making them too big could take the challenge out of the game for most. The aggro for most hostiles units is different. Some may have a larger radius while some have a smaller radius. Also, keep in mind that not all creatures in the world are hostile. That is, unless you attack them. Also, have you noticed the biome being identified on the top of your screen when you started playing Angeldust? There is also a level. The higher the levels, the more rare and difficult hostiles will become however, this is only slightly more difficult. I assume later down the road, FireFly will make some adjustments. Lastly, everything else on your list seems a bit more like an opinion based thing I am not going to go into detail regarding it although I will admit, some of those things sound very good. ~ Solvage

# 4



7 năm trước

*JLAW ~ Ah I did not realise that, I have only used the mage class, I just assumed the "tools" where default or purchasable no matter the class my bad. As for not reading the rest, I did read a thread of suggestions however I have not yet went through all the articles since been new to both the game and forums. I didn't mean any disrespect by it. *Solvage ~ Thank you for the feedback again I apologize for the part about the trees, Oh no doubt I met FireFly in game today he welcomed me and such while he hunted the wilds. I understand he is the sole dev on this project and as once also been a dev for a couple of games I totally understand the time it takes to multi-task real-life, keep a community happy by listening to them and inputting their suggestions and then taking the time to code those aspects. I was merely thinking of suggestions on a "what to consider" basis. On the subject of pets and mounts, I agree with you that it is similar to minecraft, as you said dragons and such would be also good however then that also directly related to another game "trove". the game references "Monsters" often and the addition of more Angeldust exclusive monsters could potentially make great mounts/pets.. also if those cannot be implemented in a way which fits the nature of the game without breaking any copyright, how about the addition of perhaps a spell/buff that increases a players movements speed (bar the in game run feature) I wish all the luck to Firefly, the game has great potential and i hope it prospers, both the community and the dev seems to adore the game, thank you for the feedback. -Lambertio

# 5



3 năm trước

I worry about all that clicking giving me RSI (repettetive strain injury) = This isn't the first alpha/beta buildy like game I've played. Just really need your pets to loot for you.

# 6



3 năm trước

Could have just made a new forum thread, no need to resurrect a 4 year old one. You can also join the community discord server and get quick answers to any questions there: You can just hold down the mouse button to automatically attack/place blocks/do any action if you're worried about RSI.

# 7



3 năm trước

We've come a long way in four years, so I'm glad Angeldust still gets labeled as 'alpha' quality here! :D But @obi- is correct: since some time you can now hold the mouse button to repeat actions. I'd also greatly recommend buying a game controller to play, it's just so much more relaxing and inviting to play that way.

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