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The Election

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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7 năm trước

As you may or may not already know i'm running for president(Vote obi for president!). If you want to run for president like me post your name and the reason why should we vote you bellow(For example: I'm (Your name) and i am running for president, you should vote me bacouse i:..............(No need to use this example)).You may name the vice president also. The elections will start on the 2nd of December 2016(This Friday) at 00:00 UTC midnight and finnish on 4th of December 2016(This Sunday) at 23:59 UTC. I will post a poll on the English forum(Sorry that i won't be posting on the other forums). Have a nice day/night/morning. P.S- Firefly,space is green and Desertfish can't run(pls don't). P.P.S-I won't be choseing the candidates alone.

# 2



7 năm trước


# 3



7 năm trước

I'm officialy running for President! I will make Angeldust drug free again! We will build BIGLY and kill HUGEEEE monsters. Do not vote for rigged Obi2002.

# 4



7 năm trước

Yo, guys. Dart here, and I'm running for president. I'd just like to make a quick few statements as to why you should vote for me. *Dart shuffles through his notecards nervously.* Uh, give me a second, it's around here, som-Ah. Here it is. Alright, so, if you vote for me as president, I'll start a gaming 'guild' where we go and get people geared and leveled. On top of that, you should vote for me because I have good grammar and actually know how to write a coherent speech. Oh, yeah. I also got the dankest memes. I plan to build a wall between the Americas and Europe, and make Midori pay for it. Uh... yeah, don't vote for me unless you want to have fun. If you want to be enslaved or miserable, go vote for Midori or Obi.

# 5



7 năm trước

Uhmm.. nahhhhh

# 6



7 năm trước

You can hear this globalist estabilishment talking up here. I'm 4. richest person in the world! I can not be bought... Dart and Obi are just pawns in hands of big corporations. Do not listen to mass media.Save your future from globalist estabilishment and illegal aliens crossing our Midori. I'm Midori and I approve this message! You can always visit me at and suggest GREAT changes for this Country! I will be President for ALL the people!

# 7



7 năm trước


# 8



7 năm trước

Hi im obi 2002 and i have been sayin VOTE OBI for quite a while and im hopeing that you will(pls do). I will be makeing a Whitehouse if i win, I will change my plot every month I'am nice(not like this other people who are sayin im rigged(if i was rigged it would just me on the poll i'm i right), I'm not a slaver like........, PLUS i heve the propper propaganda or should i say PROPERganda(sorry) and everyone knows me!!!!(now you do) HardWorker got me into poetry so here's a few poems: I am nice, so are you, be free and vote me. If you vote me you'll enjoy day and night, i'll write a song for every guy(girl). i write poems, i write songs, i write books, and my buildings have good looks. Vote for me, or someone else, vote who you want if you think he/she is nice. I forgot to say, you who wins will be a president till may.(about half a year) That is all i have. P.S- I will write a song abbout every potencial president if i win.

# 9



7 năm trước

I do not run for fame,money or false promises!For that you have rigged Obi or communist Dart to pick from.I'm just like you, simple human that loves this country.So please remember when voting that I run for YOU to be YOUR voice and to give YOU the power to change this world! Cast your vote here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

# 10



7 năm trước

Type your message here.we vote on friday midori

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