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When will the new update come out?

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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7 năm trước


# 2



7 năm trước

Firefly on live stream said roughly around Thursday.

# 3



7 năm trước

Sorry, kinda new around here, any idea whats coming with the update?

# 4



7 năm trước

ask firefly to announce the date of fix update... ^_^

# 5


space is green

7 năm trước

The update has been submitted but has to be approved by the App Store. It all depends how quickly they approve. No way to tell :). The update will give you the ability to claim land so other players can't build there. Also you'll be able to join a random party in game.

# 6



7 năm trước

if we know update time/date... then we know we can;t play at that moment times :)

# 7



7 năm trước

@Fernancapo998 Greetings Fernancapo998, To sum up what the other users have been stating, the update will be released sometime between Wednesday and Saturday although, FireFly has stated that it will be more likely to be coming out on Thursday. The update will contain the following: Claiming Land: This will allow users to purchase a 32x32x64 land claim which allows you to build outside of the city walls and prevents griefing from other users. Sadly, there is no way to configure these claims to allow your friends to build at this time. These land claims will cost roughly, 8,000 Gold per claim. Random Teleportation: As I am sure you already know, when one of your friends is online, you have the option to teleport to them instantly. The new Random Teleportation allows you to randomly teleport to another user throughout the world of Angeldust regardless of where they're at. There has been some controversy regarding griefing on the matter but to prevent this from happening, FireFly has recommend you claim an area before building to prevent random users from destroying it. I hope this has helped you understand what they new update will include. Have a great evening. ~ Solvage

# 8



7 năm trước

@Solvage That's why i Will drop claim For pvp anytime. No reason to build without bruh help. I'll clean up a lot My friend list but hey, random teleport?? At the end, i want that update so badly m8s Take care, P3IP

# 9



7 năm trước

Update will hopefully be out on Thursday or Friday depending on App Review times. It will bring claimable land and a random group mechanic so you can play together even without friends.

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