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Teleport Requests

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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7 năm trước

Making this so we all have one place where we can request teleports for biome/block/creature hunting. ***DON'T TELEPORT OTHERS TO YOUR BASE IN ORDER TO AVOID GRIEFING*** ***MAKE SURE NOT TO HAVE YOUR BASE OR A FRIEND'S BASE SAVED ON YOUR "World" TELEPORT*** ***BE WARY OF NEW ACCOUNTS, THEY MAY BE ALTERNATE ACCOUNTS OF GRIEFERS TRYING TO GET TO YOUR BASE*** We can start off with something like LFT = Looking for teleport For example, I want a teleport to the Floating Sands biome so I'll use LFT Floating Sands If you want to tell people what teleports you have you can just use HT = Hosting Teleport For example, I have 2 teleports to the Tundra and Marble Hill Biomes so I'll use HT Tundra, Marble Hill

# 2


gfl sansation

7 năm trước

i dont get this, so, do we put ht to let ppl teleport to us randomly, or what?

# 3



7 năm trước

I would rather just have the option to not allow anyone to teleport to you, and the future Whisper in the chat will fix the communication so you can ask in what area they are or if they have certain area saved which you want to go to, and once you go there noone can follow you so you can have your peace.

# 4



7 năm trước

Nah, i would be preffering a list of players that want to teleport to you, in which every player that asked to teleport to you must be allowed by you. Example: Msg in chat "{Player name} requested to teleport to {name of teleport zone} Do you accept? [YES] [NO]" -the {} indicates custom text, that depends on the previously set names -The [] indicates buttons -If you click [YES] it would make the requesting player to teleport inmediatly to you -If you click [NO] It would sent a msg to the requesting player: "{Player name} declined your teleport request"

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