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Furtherest you've gone solo

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7 năm trước

Hi all, nothing impressive or such going on just wanted to celebrate my getting to lvl 100 Desert as Mage and wondered what is the furtherest you have actually gone solo?

# 2


Kiera Ani

7 năm trước

I was wondering the same, actually. Technically I've been up into the 500s, but the farthest I've gone without teleporting to anyone's area as a boost is only 48.

# 3



7 năm trước

Walked 512 without teleporting :^)

# 4



7 năm trước

Wow... I've only done my first 100 no teleport.. Made a glass ladder and lookout post at 100 too

# 5



7 năm trước

Around 75-78 lol. Boring and hard to solo though :/

# 6



7 năm trước

It gets better at 70 and 90

# 7



7 năm trước

got around 80, yeah, im crap. Also, I built towers and made a Teleport point in there, so I could return when I want to keep my journey. but yeah, I quitted cuz I keep getting killed by nimbosses and wirms.

# 8


Cari Freybren

7 năm trước

Honestly its best to go with a friend at least, because when I went solo, its not hard to reach 512 by just walking. Takes a lot more effort to search for monsters and types as you travel, sometimes the ones you need are bunched up together. one dps and one healer is the only thing needed to clear anything. Me and MadskillzY2K recently Duo'd 2 Hydras as he was spam healing behind me while I was taking the blunt of the dps output while. It was so cool seeing 2 hydras pounding us with lightning bolts while me and him just killed them both. Was beyond amazing and felt like a great accomplishment.

# 9


Cari Freybren

7 năm trước

Soloing means more deaths and less gold you could have saved on your way to 512, so just keep that in mind. Safe travels.

# 10



7 năm trước

-higher level monster take longer to kill -gold is stolen by your friends,more ppl less chance to gey any -you do not die solo because you can kite,something hard to do in team etc non-solo is efficient only with firefly until you kill each low level monster at lvl 31. He rarely travels to 40+ so you get 0 on his stream pretty quickly. there are always 2 sides of coin Cari Freybean

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