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Missed discoveries

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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6 năm trước

This week Hummm found his last missing creature (now at 262!). After a big celebratory dance, he e-mailed me with his victory, but also that one player in his party didn't get the creature discovery. We stepped through different scenarios preventing discovery, but Hummm assured me that everything was normal. So I brainstormed a bit longer and came up with a potential bug in the creature discovery code. This morning I rolled out a 'as good as it gets' fix for now. The chance of missing a creature discovery was already pretty much negligible, but it's now even lower (very close to zero). If you absolutely don't want to miss a creature discovery, be sure to stand still when you deal the final blow. Otherwise you have an infinitesimal chance of missing the discovery. Note that the earlier code has been in use for years now, and I never missed a discovery during my thousands of hours streaming and testing. Still though, better safe than sorry!

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