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Firefly help me please

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 11

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7 năm trước

firefly eu criei um grupo que nos chamamos de clan Base Br no forum do game mais com a proxima atualizaçao vai ter restauraçao no mapa e nos estamos querendo deixar o amigo ajudar a melhora e mexer na casa ou um modo de da permiçao da pessoa mexer nas terras exigiveis entao pofavor da pra nos ajudar de algum geito pofavor

# 2



7 năm trước

Se quiser ver o forum da base esta localizada em portuques e a que tem mais viw no forum

# 3



7 năm trước

If you want to see the forum of the base is located in portuques and the one with the most viw in the forum

# 5



7 năm trước

Well you started well in english... and then it all started going down.. the.. google translate, i like challenges but for any misunderstandings blame google, anyway you want your friend to move his house closer to you so you can build together and also asking about being able to build together? i assume, and google assumes but either way, currently neither of those are possible, if you want to build together then work on something on unclaimed lands and after you're done you can all claim it together split the parts between each other, as for moving the house don't think that's ever going to be possible, think firefly said that he's only going to remove inactive player houses so new players can build there and populate those areas, everyone building should just save that location and go there anytime they want, so yea you're welcome, if it didn't help don't start any insults on languages that i don't understand, translate isn't that reliable.

# 6



7 năm trước

He's trying to say that if they have a base of the Guild and want to keep it even after the next update, however to have a base between a Guild, means that all players have to work together, what happens is that when a land is claimed it can no longer be changed in addition to the player who bought it, i.e. He wants a way to give permission to another player could move in your claimed land

# 7



7 năm trước

Eh close enough, thank you ^^.

# 8



7 năm trước

Thank you Jlaw is Foerster :D

# 9



7 năm trước

If anyone can relay messages back and forth, thanks in advance :) The following information is relevant to all players. The next update (v2.8) will be claim-to-build. After about two weeks I will wipe all unclaimed stuff. It's the only technical way right now to make sure I can remove bazillions of spammed blocks and make sure that our actual buildings remain intact. Once the v2.8 update rolls out, your guild will need to start claiming all parts of your buildings to prevent them from being wiped later on. I know it's not pretty, but it's the best for the game right now. I am hard at work thinking of ways to easily facilitate building with friends on claimed land. I think I'll be able to work that out. So right now I'm imposing a very hard limit (claim to build – alone) to reap its rewards and then I'll relax it again (claim to build – with friends). With Angeldust on Steam Early Access and the overwhelming influx of players we got, it's a balancing act to see where my original vision is workable in practice. That's why stuff like this changes. I hope you appreciate the ongoing development and openness.

# 10



7 năm trước

Abson ele pediu pra traduzir, então: Na próxima atualização (2.8) será necessário reivindicar antes de construir. Após aproximadamente 2 semanas eu irei limpar todas as coisas não reivindicadas. É o único meio para ter certeza de que posso remover os milhares de blocos spammados pelo mapa e que as nossas construções irão se manter intactas. Antes que a atualização 2.8 seja lançada, sua guild precisará reivindicar todas as terras para impedir de que sejam apagadas mais tarde. Eu sei que não é legal, mas é o melhor para o jogo agora. Eu sou rígido no pensamento de poder criar construções trabalhando com amigos na sua terra reivindicada. Acho que vou ser capaz de fazer isso. Neste momento eu estou impondo um limite muito rígido (reivindique sua terra e construa sozinho) para colher suas recompensas e depois relaxar isso novamente (reivindicar sua terra e construir com amigos). Com o Angeldust no Early Access da Steam e o imenso influxo de jogadores que temos, é um ato de balanceamento para ver até onde minha visão original é viável em prática. Esse é o porque dessas mudanças. Espero que você aprecie o desenvolvimento continuo e a minha sinceridade.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 11

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