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The Koolaid Man

7 năm trước

Yo I've been scrolling through the forums, and Firefly seems like the way to go. Can you please explain the basics of AngelDust to me? I kinda just jumped right in thinking there would be some form of tutorial.

# 2



7 năm trước

Git gud

# 3



7 năm trước

Here's everything you'll need to know ingame and few options that you have on the site like adding friends and color customization but you need to pay for it, colors i mean... you don't have to pay for friends.. that's the last resort.

# 4



7 năm trước

also not to confuse you by paying i don't mean real money, you buy colors with gold that you earn ingame.

# 5



7 năm trước

Classes Sorceress class information. Has a magnetic pull on gold, so gold slowly moves towards you. Any drops you pickup will heal you, that includes gold and attack powerups. Purple Staff/Life Dew throws out purple hearts that have a area of effect heal when they land on something. It can heal allies, yourself, and enemies. To heal yourself just walk up to any block or tree and throw hearts at the tree. Intentionally healing enemies constantly is against the rules, so don't do that. Red Staff/Havoc Storm throws out red orbs that have a area of effect damage when they land on something. It cannot hit enemies directly, only the groud or objects around them. So if you try to attack a bird in the air with it, the orbs will pass right through the bird and do no damage. If a bird is on the ground you can hit the ground it's standing on to damage it. Blue Staff/Sky Walk Lets you levitate in the air for about 8 seconds. Grey Staff/Air Shield stops enemy projectiles, so if a frog were to spit you just pull out your Air Shield and left click once and the spit will stay in place in the air. If you stop a projectile and walk into it you will still take damage. White Staff/Wand is just a melee staff, very few situations where you should use it

# 6



7 năm trước

I forgot to say that the Sorceress has the least amount of health. Scout class Glides when you are falling. Crossbow - Highest single target damage, has no effects. Venomwash/Green Crossbow - Single target damage, slows enemies on hit. Armburst/Red Crossbow - Pierces through enemies, effective when against multiple mobs. Web Trap - Keeps a enemy in place for a certain amount of time, you can't place them too close to each other.

# 7



7 năm trước

I forgot to say that Scout can see chests highlighted on her screen, they drop heal orbs and attack powerups. Fighter/Knight I'm not 100% that I'm right about everything. Has highest amount of health, melee only. Sword - Just a basic sword, single target damage Daikarana/Green Sword - Single target damage, slows enemies on hit Fearbringer/Red Sword - Can hit multiple enemies Lightblade/Purple Sword - Single target damage, has a chance to heal you whenever you hit a enemy.

# 8


The Koolaid Man

7 năm trước

Thanks guys

# 9



7 năm trước

Builder The worst class for combat. Only class that can cut down trees. Places mines, healing stations, and turrets. They can't be stacked and must be a certain distance from each other to place them. Wooden Hammer - Basic weapon, single target damage, no effects. Axe - Cut down trees, cannot use on creatures. Dispenser - Place down, shoots out a healing orb every couple seconds, can heal enemies, no control over where it aims. Spring - Place down, launches you, allies, and creatures up into the air if they step on it. Turret - Place down, fires at enemies, single shot turrets, single target damage, no effects, no control over what they shoot at. Mine - Place down, blows up if remote detonated or if a creature steps on it. Detonator - Detonates mines.

# 10



7 năm trước

About Firefly. You can teleport to him when he's online and adventure. There's usually 40+ people following him around so the creatures are high levels. The amount of players nearby effect the creature level, 31 is the max level they can be. If you discover the creatures at high levels you get even more gold. So if you're new and join in during Firefly's stream you'll get around 50,000 gold in 1 hour, probably more. He plays for 1 hour everyday. He streams it as well, you can find his youtube streams here

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