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Add me i wont bite, ill chomp. JK

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7 năm trước

Please add me. i'm a friendly person and i like to be really intelligent around people. i play a lot of angledust. i want to build an epic revolutionary community, just like firefly. i hope i can befriend more people than i can count. Oh and theirs this new clan called 'Peacekeepers' where we hang out on discord. for further information about peacekeepers go to Peacekeepers // Angeldust Clan Recruiting forum page made by our friendly guy Oxygenated. Be sure to check it out. Add me i'm friendly- Hope i meet u guys sometime soon.

# 2



7 năm trước

Add everyone and you're going to end up adding griefers You'll teleport to a friend A griefer will teleport on you Then that griefer will grief your friend anyway possible.

# 3



7 năm trước

Clare its just a game. plus i dont care if im greved. i trust people and i hope you arnt a greaver as well clare. :(

# 4



7 năm trước

It's not only you who could get griefed. If you teleport to a friend of yours and a griefer teleports on you, that griefer will then grief your friend.

# 5



7 năm trước

look Clare, i have some simple questions for you: Do u even have friends on angeldust? if not is it because of this reason only? if a greaver dares try and steal from me or my friends, they must be really desperate which means they are really sad people. i will like to just show it to people and ill feel better, firefly can possibly fix it. We r independent people who need company from time to time. If i found out about a greaver, ill show them what they did wrong, and hopefully change their mind.

# 6



7 năm trước

Midori, why u leave me? :( i did nothing 2 hurt u i 4 one follow the rules and instructions i would never do anything to dishonour the angeldust presisdent sigh, its no hope. we had good times while we were still friends. i admired ur work and commitment u put in it. Someday i hope we r still good friends. :)

# 7



7 năm trước


# 8



7 năm trước

I'm just trying to lookout for people :c Most people I've added have lead to me getting griefed. They've either been the griefer or had a griefer added who teleported on them then griefed me. I don't have anyone added anymore except Firefly. Also, I don't add people since there's no need for grouping and solo mage is the most effecient with farming. I'd like to add a couple people who would exchange gold creature kills since that's all I need but there's nobody I can trust to not be a griefer, to not have a griefer added, to not have a friend who has a friend that's a griefer, ect.

# 9



7 năm trước

@AdrianDaGod Greetings AdrianDoGod, I can see that you're looking for friends and to be honest, I wouldn't mind adding you. You seem like a friendly person and you may know some things about Angeldust that I may not however, I making this forum post due to a comment you made to another user by the name of "Clare". If a recall, you said something along the lines of "Do u even have friends on angeldust? if not is it because of this reason only?". I am sure that you meant no rudeness behind this comment however, asking someone if they have friends is like saying if they've ever went out with a women before. Not only does the comment itself come off as rude, it also can hurt and offend another person's feelings. As far as I see, Clare was simply looking out for you and your friend's builds since griefers look for posts like this one to grief players. I for one, can see his point on the matter and I think he was only attempting to inform you. Nothing more, nothing less. Side note: I don't mean to be rude here in any shape or form but if you're going to ask try to befriend some players, you might want to proofread before posting. It makes it slightly more difficult for people to read your post and if they can't read your post, how will they know that you want to be friends? :P Anyways, I hope you have a good day Adrian. ~ Solvage

# 10



7 năm trước

i understand clare. i know that feeling to. i deleted fireflys freindship with me because a close friend cough-oxygen-cough was banned. that was unfair. Clare u have witnessed greiving and thierfore i trust you of all people. u show people that grieving isnt right, you deserve an honourary award. plus to not grieve- just buy all the stuff in the shop or die numerous times so wont be a big target. i do that all the time. i dont want to be seen on the leaderbords AKA richest to poorest list BUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 13

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