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Level System Info

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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7 năm trước

So I am a little confused about the player's level system. My level is constantly rising and falling and it makes me ask the following questions: (1) How do you increase/decrease your level? And (2) Does an increase in level result in an increase of player stats (e.g. Health and Damage)? Any help is greatly appreciated!

# 2



7 năm trước

There are no player levels in the game yet, but they will be coming soon (don't expect miracles though). The 'level' you are probably referring is the level of the area you are in (like 'Level 2 Forest'). This indicates which types of creatures you can encounter. Higher level areas = more difficult types of creatures. There's also creature levels. These depend on the amount of players nearby. Higher level creatures have more HP but will also give more coins. And you get a cool discover bonus for each new creature level.

# 3



7 năm trước

Thank you for the info, but the level that I am talking about can be found on this website by clicking on a player name and looking under their total gold. For example, you are level 28.39 according to your profile.

# 4



7 năm trước

well it is put in a bracket behind the CREATURE word, it is the average level of all the monster you had met

# 5



7 năm trước

That makes perfect sense! Thank you for explaining. I misinterpreted this as the player level. But this brings me to another question for Firefly. Will there be player levels in the future? If so, will veteran players be required to start at level 1? Or will there be some sort of "level boost" depending on the amount of areas/creatures discovered as well as total accumulated gold?

# 6



7 năm trước

happened to just note down from yesterday's livestream (#110) when Firefly talked briefly about player levels -- happens at 32mins and 20secs, so here it is :) very brief snippet, but just passing that along since it caught my eye at the time too !

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