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6 năm trước

Hello dear developers of the beautiful game Angeldust, the last update I was very surprised! The graphics are simply gorgeous and for the trees too, thank you very much! I love the game Angeldust! If you read it please add mine! 1: please add an ax to do damage at least -10 life, 2: add that you can sit on the chairs! 3: add character skills such as: pump life, strength, speed, and so on. I hope you read this and add it to the game! Thanks! For now, good luck!

# 2



6 năm trước

Over the past days, I've had dozens of players ask me for 'chairs you can sit on'. Can one (or all) of you please enlighten me as to why you'd want to sit on a chair in the game :)? I'm sitting on a chair in real-life most of the day and it's not something I'd want to do in a video game. I have some trouble imagining the use case of this. Also: the axe is for chopping trees. The hammer is for whacking enemies. If it were the other way around, chopping down trees would be kind of hard.

# 3



6 năm trước

Firefly,some players need 'chair you can sit on' for some purposes of -chilling in the house and chatting with a group of friends -more realistic -can sit while enjoying the soundtrack and the scene instead of keeping it based on "roll out"

# 4



6 năm trước

yes, Spectrum is right on... - sit and chill w/ friends the obvious counter is, why did you put chairs in as a block if you can't sit in them?

# 5



6 năm trước

remember, as soon as you add the "/sit" command, we will ask for the "/dance" command ... it never stops :)

# 6



6 năm trước

Thanks for the exposition everyone, I didn't really know that people might want to 'chill' in the game. Of course, it's a chill game, but hey! I'll add it to the (much too long) list of future features. And instead of weird /commands it'll be elegantly implemented :)

# 7



6 năm trước

I want to dance!

# 8



6 năm trước


# 9



6 năm trước

Just an idea: signs. I think we need some posting signs, hanging signs and wall signs. Signs with custom text. So, I can hang a sign on the front door with texts like: "Welcome". "Exit". "Beware: dragons inside!". "Home Sweat Home". "Fierro's House'. And like this. Signs with instructions (for example in mazes) for adventures. Uses: posting signs beside a road. Hanging signs atop a front door. Wall signs to left or to right a cave entrance. There are already many villages with many houses. Each house could have a sign to show their owner or workship. Signs like "Church", "Hall", "Blacksmith", "Fierro's Litle House", etc. So... don't make signs with fixed text. Only just a few signs with custom text (put sign, then change text like chat) would be nice. Perhaps signs with materials like wood, stone, iron. Font size with auto-resize: bigger size for small texts and smaller size for longer texts. Even if text was limited on signs, it would be great to have some kind of signs.

# 10



6 năm trước

In-game signs are on the list. How they'll work and appear is undetermined yet, but I'm bouncing around some ideas on paper. No ETA for this yet though.

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