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trong English trong Diễn đàn

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Alexi M

6 năm trước

dear developers (namely - Firefly, spase is green and rabotik), I play angeldust for about 2 years, and during this time I got a rather mixed opinion at the expense of this game. graphically the game is very good, the smoothing of the earth looks very good, the generation of the world is excellent, but at this stage the game looks empty, it has little interesting content, so the world is also quite deserted. the game also has a delicate balance, Some monsters can kill a player for 1-3 hits, fighter have only weak healing sword, scout also don't have any healing things. there are still problems, but this is insignificant. I would like to offer a couple of ideas (which may have sounded before) to make the game more interesting. 1. dungeons, structures. earlier I said the world looks deserted, but I think that the villages, castles, ruins and other buildings will make the game world more interesting at several times. in the castles and villages you can find NPCs that give quests (about this later), large chests with sorrel (100-1000 coins, full hp, 1-4 critical hits, the chest is recreated every 7 days). 2. NPCs. NPCs can be of several classes - seller (about this later), stray, village, giving quests and more. optional developers can do generation of appearance for NPC. 3. Quests. I think the game can be made more interesting by adding quests to it. I think that in the game so far there can be only two types of quests - to kill some number of monsters and to pass something (message, "things") to another NPC. first type of quest - killing monsters. the quest window opens, the NPC talks about the situation that happened to him. In the text will be written how many monsters and what type to kill, and how many coins player will get for completing the quest. new checkpoint created in telecanger (this checkpoint teleports to the NPC that gave the quest). On the right side of the screen, a window appears where the progress of the quest will be displayed. When the quest is completed, the star on the telecharger will be purple, and in the list of checkpoints, the desired checkpoint with the quest will be highlighted too with a purple color. second type of quest - pass something (message, "things") to another NPC. the quest window opens, the NPC talks about the situation that happened to him. In the text will be written where the necessary NPC and how many coins player will get for completing the quest. ew checkpoint created in telecanger. On the right side of the screen, a window appears where the progress of the quest will be displayed. creates a new purple arrow that will show the near quest NPC. after you spoke with the NPC you must return from the main NPC, which will give you an award. 3. more healing stuff for balance. for the most part, in a bad balance, you can blame the lack of good healing stuff. I can normal good only 2 classes - builder and sorceress, they have good healing stuff and weapons, but what i can say about figther and scout... this classes need a better healing things. I have a couple of ideas that I can add to these classes for balance. shield for fighter. the shield works as follows - fighter use this shield, the effect will last 5 seconds. when the enemy deals damage, fighter heal 10% of HP, But the same HP will be heal enemy. While the effect of this thing is working, the fighter can not use the weapon stealth-cape for scout. the stealth-cape works as follows - scount use stealth-cape. the effect lasts 15 seconds. The radius by which the enemy sees the player is reduced by 5 times. scout heals 15% hp per 5 seconds. scout's speed is reduced by 2 times. Damage to enemies increases by 3 times. Scout damage is reduced by 2 times. end of the first part. I would have written more, but I'm already writing this for half an hour, so I better divide the text into two parts. in the next topic I will write about the starting village and finish all.

# 2



6 năm trước

About the dungeons idea: I would love if world of Angeldust can go deep underground with natural caves. With different layers of materials (new underground biomas/areas). With monsters spawning on undergound levels (in caves). Going deeper and deeper until you reach a level of lava. I know that we can made caves on montains. But there is no natural caves yet. Players and creatures can build caves and tunnels... but there is nothing "natural" to explore/hunt/discover there. Would be great to mine to found hidden magicals places.

# 3


Alexi M

6 năm trước

Fierro, good idea, i'm add this to next post

# 4


Liutenant joseph

6 năm trước

yes but this must be done without resetting the world cause it is hard to add more features

# 5



6 năm trước

Hey Alex, I know you're an avid and enthusiastic player and that you'd love to see more mechanics and content in the game. Ideas aplenty! But I can assure you (and all other players) that I'm not lacking ideas to add to Angeldust. In fact, my todo-list already contains 50+ big features that I'd eventually like to add. Some (most) of the things that you write about here are on that very list. It costs a lot of time and effort to create a (massively) multiplayer game and that kind of limits the pace at which I can implement and add new features. I try my best to find a balance between programming, streaming and releasing updates. All the while, I want to stick to a unified design for Angeldust so it doesn't feel like things are just bolted on left and right. On top of that, it runs very well on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android. Supporting keyboards, mice, game controllers and touchscreens. On Wi-Fi, Ethernet, 3G, EDGE and even GPRS. In eight languages. I plan and design for all those variables. If you don't experience the same fun or excitement as before, I can fully understand that. You've clocked a lot of hours over many months. In that same time, you'd have exhausted other games too. That's just the nature of anything—most things in life are finite. Luckily, there's almost an infinite number of finite things to enjoy. Anyway, in short—thanks for keeping some ideas warm in my mind, but don't expect mentioning an idea to increase the development speed of Angeldust. In fact, the time I took writing this I could've spent programming a new feature, which is pretty funny and a bit ironic. I do my best every day and I hope you appreciate the transparency and honesty.

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