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for developers (2)

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Alexi M

6 năm trước

Perhaps while I still have time, I will finish the second topic about ideas. some thoughts pushed the thought that I should not continue this topic, but I do not leave things unfinished. a couple of people offered more ideas for the game, and I would like to write about them too. I'll start with the simplest ideas that can be realized now. 1. caves. a considerable number of people asked to add caves to the game, and I have one idea how to make the generation of caves beautiful and interesting. for 1-10 lvl I think there will be classical caves (stalactites and stalagmites, for ice/snowy areas - ice/snowy stalactites and ice/snowy stalagmites), 11-20 lvl - appears crystals of black quartz and white quartz, 21 - 30 lvl - appears geodes and amethyst, 31 - 45 lvl - appears malachite and turquoise (yes, this is a precious stone), 46 - 55 - appears pink quartz and diamond, 56 and more - appears "angel crystal" (glow, snow-white color with light purple spots) and "crystal of pulsating evil" (faint glow, crimson color with dark purple spots). for violet areas - caves have symbionts, for crimson areas - caves have chaos crystals. 2. more loot from monsters with biggest levels. well, we have garden snake 1 lvl, which gives 30 coins for killing. and now we have garden snake 2 lvl, his HP increases by 100%, and we can get... 33 COINS FOR KILLING, ONLY 10% MORE! WHY? this for the most part complicates the gameplay! if from monsters with bigger level I got 30-50% more coins then I would not have written about it. I do not know, are you going to increase the amount of loot, but I would like to monsters with bigger level drop more coins okay, I have no more simple ideas, now I will start talking about more complex ideas))) 3. Center of the village. village, the game the game has now, looks pretty still sad, fragmented and deserted. I think that if you add a single start point in the game, the asset in the game (and not only) at times will rise. okay, now i drew map of the center - . start point located in main building, and in main building you can find the following NPCs - "the Order of the Ancient". yes, they will give quests))). in village building you can find classic NPC, who gives daily quests. in telecanger a new button appears - "go to the center". and about shop in next idea :D 4. new shops. a store that the game has now looks like a very very corny. shops can be divided into three types - stores in the generated villages/dangeons/castles, NPCs vagabond merchants and shop in the center of the village. why? I just think that this will add some kind of logic and originality to the game. I know, everything can not be realized now for some reason, and not everything can be done in the shortest possible time, I just suggest ideas for improving the game, and I wish this game prosperity, that in the future everything was fine and balanced. now the game is not at its best, which can be understood from the reviews. many people say that the game is boring, and I agree with them. the game at the beginning is quite interesting, but when you play angledust for a long time, you understand that this world is not as interesting as it seems. The game lacks mechanics and balance. firefly, I hope you will understand and accept my criticism. on this I will probably finish this topic.

# 2


Alexi M

6 năm trước

No, right now I did not say that the game is just too bad, I point out the downsides.

# 3


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

I'm not much of a socialite. I'm a lone ranger. So, it's hard to get me bored, but at times, it does get boring for even me. I'd like to have the ability to create my ride's personality, like, giving it different degrees of obedience, speed, strength, endurance, attack, etc.. Yes... it would be really nice if our ride can fight by our side, and not despawn or disappear as long as we're logged in the game. I'd like to park my horse in the stable and see it still there when I return from anywhere in the game. Choosing our ride's personality and traits as easy as it is to choose the colors of our characters would be a great addition to the game, and make boredom more bearable.

# 4


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

Maybe, instead of choosing a moa, bear, or horse for our ride, choose another creature for a pet... a wolf, a raven, a cat, an owl, or a trapper, that can follow us around, and fight by our side, that we cannot ride, and will keep its normal fighting characteristics, and we can maybe add a few extra points to already existing characteristics... which would make our pet unique.

# 5



6 năm trước

I kind of like that pet idea. Wouldn't want anything too strong like hydras for a pet as it would make things little too convenient but what kamikaze suggested sounds like nice list of pets eh. It is possible that this or something along these lines is already on the long list of things that are planned to be added for the game.

# 6



6 năm trước

I like the idea of the village. Because in my hours of playing, I've only seen one random person in the village. So I would like to see it become less deserted.

# 7



6 năm trước

the NPC is a good idea. even bought for gold. with adjustable operation ...

# 8



6 năm trước

Alex, thanks again for the many ideas. I'll try to fit in your suggestions where I can :)

# 9



6 năm trước

I realy like this idea!! You coud have one of the stores in town to be the block store, another one could be the weapon store, and those vagabond merchants could sell you the colors for your avatar.

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