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Building a community 2

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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7 năm trước

Hello all, Raythirs here, and I would like to inform you that the community has grown a bit in size. Things are looking good, and I am reaching out to those who are interested in joining. The only requirements are to build so the road can connect and that would mean you need to talk to raven, think, or me before buying land. It is pretty free for you to be creative and we love new ideas for our land as well. I ask that if you claim land, you finish the project before disappearing forever. People can join things but leave pretty quick. I do not have a real way to tell if you will commit, so I'm trying to be careful. I would rather not have a bunch of unfinished buildings on the land and no means to fix that. If you are not sure of your commitment then just build and finish or give me permission on your land. The community has no real strings attached to it. just visit every now and then. We would like to make a town of people who can hunt, help build, and colonize other places. Making more friends can help with making the game experience more fun. One day we will spread across the land and no one will go without finding a colony near them.

# 2



7 năm trước

Hello , fairly new player here. I think Id like to help in a way, I have bought land and made a little fort myself with a moat and throne room, though It's a bit crappy. Where would this town be built?

# 3



7 năm trước

i added you halloz

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