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'Forum activity' update

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–9 của 9





6 năm trước

Just tweaked the 'forum activity' topic list a bit so it will always show the most recently active seven topics for the active language. The English forums are quite active, but other languages sometimes lack posts. For those languages old topics are now listed without the ('x days ago') postfix. Hopefully this'll encourage more players to get involved on the forums. Another idea I had was to merge all languages in the forum activity stream and add small flag icons. Hot idea or not?

# 2



6 năm trước

I say this with some jest, so please don't be offended... I am a typical dumb (perhaps arrogant is a better word) old American*; only able to speak one language. Most people from other countries are more intelligent; able to speak two, three or more! languages. I'm not sure I see the benefit to merging the different languages w/out also providing a link to (google) translate (which I totally understand is not perfect) ... my $0.02 (which is an english idiom for "just one person's opinion") I am not offended by people (w/out good english skills) posting in the english forum, in fact kudos to them for trying! (I am not brave enough to post in any other language forum) I will say, that in game, when others can't/don't speak english, I am unable to have intelligent conversation w/ them. * side note: this is the America I grew up in. Things are changing and kids in America are also learning multiple languages, but that doesn't help me.

# 3



6 năm trước

Well my natal language is spanish, but i speak english too, if you do what you said it means like the front page of the forum section will have all posts mixed no matter what language is? With the flag of course :p if that's the case i personally think it might be a little over whelming to new players as maybe they see english more often (cause of the activity is a little higher in that language) and as it'll be a general page they may think there's not much in their languages and it can get the opposite effect you want to, but maybe doing it while also placing at the beginning of the forum section a button to choose language may be good as well :p Btw congrats on the game is very pretty and relaxing i love it, i would like to suggest a little thing just when speeding maybe make another effect? The current lightning effect when speeding up hurts my eyes a little :c

# 4



6 năm trước

Thanks for the feedback (others: feel free to join in as well). I think I'll keep the forum activity list as it is right now, with more topics but tied to the current language. Shesara: do you have a special condition that would cause you to have a strong reaction to the sprinting effect? You are the first to report this problem. To my eyes the effect is very subtle, but I don't want people to be uncomfortable with it.

# 5



6 năm trước

Firefly, about speeding effect I have no issues. But if it can be a problem for some users, maybe adding a switch option can works well. If there is litle activity in other languages, I'm not sure if mixing languages will works. It can hide even more that language's activity.

# 6


Maharaja Gerberd

6 năm trước

Interesting, to say the least. I suppose we'd need the deets. What's the device and what's the the 'field of view' setting on? Perhaps increasing or decreasing the 'field of view' setting would help this... Mine is set on 90 and I would be interested to know what Shesara's is.

# 7



6 năm trước

Firefly i just use glasses, besides that i have no other condition, i have no problem with the speeding effect when is night (in the game time) or there's barely light left, but when there is day light is like the speeding effect increases the light that's already there and that's what makes my eyes to shut down a little kind of when you look a bright light, is not too annoying the first 10m but the time playing after that it becames a little hurtful i though i wasn't the only one but i guess i am lol Maharaja i just checked and mine is also on 90 i've never really saw that option before till now so i haven't touch it since i started in the game

# 8



6 năm trước

Oh and im on iphone 4s

# 9



6 năm trước

Play around with that setting maybe? I increased mine to 120 and things were moving very fast. Try turning it down to 60 or something like that. Do you think that's what it is frank? I've heard of turned up field of view causing this. I'm sorry I can't recall who said it. They said not to play at turnt up field of view. I don't play world of warplanes anymore because it made me horrible dizzy.

Bưu kiện 1–9 của 9