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Fighting inside Doddy's arena

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–9 của 9





6 năm trước

Here's what I did. I had this same idea Doddy. I couldn't make it happen. I wanted to build it so that monsters could be dragged in. I noticed that you did, so I did. I didn't know where your underground entrances were so I brought it in through the front door. I figured that in theory and based upon game mechanics people could watch and people could fight and people could be outside dragging more monsters in. Only issue being that the monsters would be horribly distracted by the spectators. This scorpion would likely make it into the stands. Frank just talking about this, because it would be manageable unless a whole group of 5 or 6 elephants would stomp and kill everyone inside the place. That's the furthest anyone would make it in the monster fight arena you were talking about today. That's probably something to think about. Wouldn't 5 or 6 elephants stomping at the same time kill humm? Anyway, you should set it up so that there can be a spectator mode on that challenge arena thing Let me tell you it was a terrible fight. That thing jumped and ran and attacked all over the place. Yeah, I got pics.

# 2



6 năm trước

I've said this before, but I'll repeat it: "You crazy lot!" Seriously, you all are doing things in this game that I didn't think were possible. Doddy's build is completely insane and I'll be visiting more awesome builds soon (hi KJ!). Now someone starts fighting creatures in Doddy's arena. You have to drag those all the way from somewhere miles away or so… that's amazing!

# 3



6 năm trước

It would take some real planning ahead, but if you had the center of the arena unclaimed, presumably it would spawn creatures... perhaps a glass wall on the outside of the unclaimed spot, and someone could control the release of said creature(s).... now imagine 50 "players" in the stands causing said creature spawns to be high level .... NOW we have action event :)

# 4



6 năm trước

Idea: 'spawn block'. That's a block that trigger spawn of creatures on that area. Maybe a crystal or something 'magical'.

# 5


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

Hi, Firefly ;) I know you're a busy man! Fierro... the 'spawn block'... what a great idea. Kudos!!

# 6



6 năm trước

Ya, there's no way THAT could be exploited :(

# 7


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

We know you're being sarcastic, Hummm ;) Could make the "Spawn" block to spawn creatures that won't drop gold, so that such a block can't be exploited. It would be great for building zoos.

# 8


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

Another idea for the "Spawn" blocks... the "Spawn" block can be "creature specific", where we can buy a block that will spawn only alligators/crocodiles (we can build a moat around a castle), or a Wyrm block, or ravens, etc. The more powerful the creature, the more block can cost at the shop. Can make it so too many "Spawn" blocks can't be planted in the same area if it creates a problem with lagging. Like I said, creatures that are spawned through the "Spawn" blocks don't need to drop gold when killed, or even add to our experience when killed. Again... I think, this is a great idea by Fierro.

# 9



6 năm trước

Yeah, it sounds like a fun idea. It fits in with some other big feature I've been planning. Stay tuned. A while :D

Bưu kiện 1–9 của 9