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Addition of coordinates

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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Liutenant joseph

6 năm trước

Firefly Add cordinates with the next update....ill try to create a map for myself by adding dots to people's bases and then perhaps create a map .....but the thing that would be more interesting than that would be to create a map not showing the landscape but the biomes in and around our position as well as were the walls are placed

# 2



6 năm trước

@LJ ... I think you have severely underestimated the size of the world ... let's do some math ... (of the well known world) If you TP to Space is green's house (that peculiar corner where the North/South corridor takes a sharp 90 turn to form an East/West corridor) and start counting houses, you will find that the village is "2 claims" wide with 2 houses per claim... resulting in 4 houses per "claim distance" traveling North from the corner. THEN the careful/observant person will notice that Space is green's house is in what I'll call the 5th slot... then the very observant, who happens to click on Space is green's website overview will ALSO notice that his details are under #5 ... hmm a correlation. ... Now let's look at your player ID .. 203595 ... divide that by 4 and we should expect your house to be 50898 "claims" from the corner ... you can walk/sprint about 6.39 claims per minute ... 50898.75 / 6.39 / 60 / 24 ... you should be able to walk from your house to the corner in about 5.5 days! ... ok ... too far to try (for most people) ... let's use a better example to test ... from the website, Firefly's player number is 1652 ... 1652 / 4 is 413 claims ... 413 / 6.39 = 64.6 minutes... You should be able to walk from Firefly's house to the corner in about an hour. ... go try it. (I have) While I totally agree that adding coordinates will help you understand where you are... it won't necessarily help you get where you want to be, unless, of course, you're like me and enjoy walking to the ends of the world.

# 3


Liutenant joseph

6 năm trước

il use this info and when coordinates are added I'll add some points of interest into a graph ...ill count the distances and should I want to find the space of a specific field ill intergrate (with a calculator)

# 4


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

We can go from Firefly's village home to Space is Green's home (at the corner) in about 10 minutes.

# 5



6 năm trước

ya, know .. I seem to recall that trip was significantly less than 1 hour ... I messed up on the math somewhere :P ... but the inputs are good.

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