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I have an idea v. building contest

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 19

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6 năm trước

I hear through the grapevine that people are interested in a building contest. Here is the tldr. Everyone has a house. We have been going to people's large builds during the stream. That's a short list to get on and it takes a long time because the builds are big. Houses are smaller. Perhaps, at the end of the stream we could go to people's houses. We could all look for 5 or 10 minuets and go on to the next. I think this would ease things up on the stream and create a building contest. We could vote on here for the 'best featured house of the month'. The first winner could be April 2018 easy. Winners get bragging rights. Is this a good idea?

# 2


Liutenant joseph

6 năm trước

well then it's a contes based on invested time for building .....not just building...... I would like to have a building contest where we would have 10 or 30 minutes or even an hour where then we could post our builds and have a poll on the forums or just the people watching could be there at the time of the contest ...we'll either way I should start bragging right now (unless obi isn't here ...then ....)

# 3



6 năm trước

I was thinking about that too. It could be done, I'd just claim a bunch of land and give everyone who shows up a small plot to build on and then it depends upon how many people show up and we hope nobody tries to cheat by wrecking someone else's build. People keep saying on the Stream 'come look at my build, Frank come look at my build'. Usually we don't have time. This way we could get in 3 or 4 in 20 minuets or a half hour. You might be surprised too. I have a large impressive looking house; while it is 3d and not just a facade, it's a husk. It's empty inside. It makes a nice picture but when you get inside it's not as impressive. Someone with a small, functional house would have an excellent chance of winning over mine. Also about the time investment, if we started this next week, then the last stream of the month would be 4 weeks from then so 5 weeks from now. That's enough time to get something presentable and if not then they can get it together and get in on in May. This also gives newer players a reason to build a house, they know we'll come look at it. It's already set up and would work. We could set it up to work the other way you mentioned if people would/ could show up at the same time. I would set that up if that's what people want to do. Even in a worst case scenario I wouldn't be losing anything.

# 4



6 năm trước

@Gerberd ... funny, I would describe a building that is just a husk as a facade, yet you specifically said its not a facade. facade: an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality.

# 5



6 năm trước

I'm borrowing some ideas from some "Code Jams" contests ;) A Building Jam Constest: a contest with a few simple rules like 1) limited time (short contest of 15-30 minutes or long contest of 48hs), 2) one secret theme discovered just at the start of the contest. 3) every participant will have 3 votes for each category (1st position = 5 points, 2nd position = 3 points, 3rd position = 1 point) to select the best works of other participants. Categories to vote can be: best original work, best use of theme, funniest work, most artistic work, something like that. When competition is ended, there is a fixed time for casting votes (30 minutes?) and take 3 pics from each work. The votes are summed up and the winners are picked. The Constest can be made many times per month, and at different times for the short ones (so every timezone has a chance to in). Participants must not made changes while jam is ended and voting is still open. After the contest is full ended, participans are free to change what they want on their claimns. I think 48hs to build is the best, so every timezone can join. But short competitions of 30 minutes can be really fun too. All participants must claim around a clean area selected for the contest. Only one claim per participant. The selected area must be unclaimed and far from any other constructions. It can be an opportunity to have fun, to learn, and to meet other players.

# 6



6 năm trước

Or a panel of judges pick the winners. That can work too!

# 7



6 năm trước

I like that idea of making everyone claim it for themselves in the same area Fierro. About my house Humm it's 3d and holds the same shape all around. You can run around it or cinematic mode around and it looks good. The roof part of the upside down house is a triangle and it's hard to get into. (There is a pole up the back that gets you into the top but that's hard too.) The inside of the triangle part is all stairs and constructional platforms that don't look good. I can't do too much with that space without fully committing to the design on the outside because I wouldn't be able to reach it. Then the middle part is the solid blocks so the light wouldn't get out too much then in the top is a big room but there isn't anything in it. I would say that the outside looks good and the inside is still under heavy construction; but there is an inside. I'm using the term facade to mean 'false front'. It's not just a front but it is hiding something kinda ugly in there.

# 8


Liutenant joseph

6 năm trước

I. Like fierro's idea it we should really arange it sometimes and since summer is around the corner i can be most efficient with the smallest of phones (trust me uss clemson took me 12 hours to build. Bc i was sick summer

# 9



6 năm trước

Keep the ideas flowing! I'm reading this on the sideline with great interest.

# 10



6 năm trước

If better if the theme is ambiguous. Examples: 'black and white', 'flying things' And maybe it can be an extra requirement. Example: you must include in the design some specific/s block/s in it. But keeping very few simple rules. Just some constraints to help fly imagination. One account must organize the event. Lets call that account the GM (game master ^^). Participants must send FR to the GM, so they can TP to the choosen event zone when it starts. GM announce rules. GM starts and ends the event. Each participant makes only one claim inside GM choosen area. Claims can be sticked one to other. Or maybe claims must left one free unclaimed space around for clean space (maybe hard to control). It will depend on the contest and rules.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 19

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